Trying not the be a Q guy, but everything I have seen about this story is suspect.

  • This guy, who seemingly wasn’t politically active until June, suddenly gets super into BLM where he’s showing up to protests and carrying a gun as “security” for BLM. He even gets a BLM tattoo. Again, this is a man who became engaged with all of this months ago.

  • Portland protestors on Twitter have all said they’ve never heard of this dude and most had never seen him around

  • In his very short history of being involved with protests, he’s already had two incidents involving guns, yet the cops didn’t really seem to do anything with it beyond arresting without charges

  • Hours before he was killed, he did an interview with Vice. Just weird vibes from it.

  • He gets killed tonight in a scene of excess gun violence where up to 40 shots are exchanged between him and the police

  • Minutes after the news reports his death, Trump puts out a tweet demanding that he’s brought to justice

I don’t know, man. I hope I’m not slandering a hero who had a late in life crisis and devoted his time to protecting the oppressed, but this is all very suspect.

EDIT: Yeah, I think this guy is an op.

  • TransTomboy [she/her, they/them]
    4 years ago

    What's difficult to explain, He's a weirdo who got caught up in the movement, who had a gun because America, and the US police are bastards and shot him a bunch. The Vice article, Trump Tweet and Timing probably are connected, because when VICE announced their article, Trump probably caught wind, ordered something, and the wheels were set in motion.

    The Timing of the article releasing and his death are a co-incidence.