So, right. I literally just saw the boys season 3 come out on prime video. I remember having a cool discussion with this group earlier when we discussed how what Homelander symbolized, how AOC was in the story fictitiously, that kind of stuff. Was just wondering if anyone would take the bait (so to speak) again

  • wifom [they/them]
    2 years ago

    The analysis of Homelander being portrayed as a personification of American foreign policy has been around since the show started airing, but this season takes this metaphor to a whole nother level - specifically the scene where Starlight tries to blackmail him with the plane crash footage. As an adversary there is no room for small victories because there is a small chance he could just nuke you and your entire city without hesitation. Although that seems unlikely, why take that risk? Better to just submit diplomatically and hope he loses interest with you groveling at his feet. Even his allies are terrified of him because at any moment he could lose his shit and just commit some horrific act of violence against anyone. They all view him as unstable and a threat even if he serves their short-term goals (like how NATO members hate the USA's guts and basically told Biden to eat shit after he called for a united coalition against Russia)

    • Zuki [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Tell you what, I certainly appreciate the amount of effort in the writing, and while I don't necessarily have the capability to give you feedback equivalent to the amount of effort you put into writing that, but I do have a friend who's quite experienced at grading writing, and I asked for his feedback :) Will make a second post replying to you when he replies to me :)