The United States is the most Fascist nation to ever exist, with a greater portion of Fascists in the population than the Third Reich.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I feel like the US isn't going to "fall" as much as it's going to stop being a superpower for a while while still being a great power. It might even go back to being a superpower in a multipolar world after it's brief period of falling from grace.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]
      2 years ago

      The way I see it there are three categories of outcomes: the slow decline and loss of geopolitical power until what happened to detroit happens to all of the US, a vicious and rabid shift to outright fascism in some form or another that results in the violent destruction of much of the US and potentially the world, or a Worker Victory where the US as we know it is overthrown and workers come to power, enabling a huge swell of productivity and increase in quality of life culminating in the US maintaining or even increasing in global power/ prestige

      I don't see the US surviving as we know it for much longer, generationally speaking

      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
        2 years ago

        there's also a 4th option where the workers win but then something gets fucked up and everything goes sideways, or the counterrevolution is victorious, but I'm just gonna file that under option 2 because that's where it'd end up anyway

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      2 years ago

      the problem with this possibility is that it requires America (and Americans) to manage and handle their own decline and I just dont see it imo