Public universities are free in my third world country.
You can view the trains from the labs and classrooms.
The campus was originally, erm "train infraestructure zone" along the rails. The main building on campus are reutilized train infraestructures, for example the "Tornavías" was an old circular train garage, with the interchanger still inside.
The new buildings are constructivists
Anyways, if any 'murican chapo looking for selling a kidney to study medicine, universities are free here, and a person can live decently with 350 US$/month renting an apartment. You need to understand spanish, tho
yeah, the only subs worse than /r/argentina are /r/vzla and /r/china. /r/mexico is a contender too.
i do agree that to the US electorate it doesn't really matter, but the US has lost support for war in LatAm imo. i don't think they'll be stupid enough to only have Colombia supporting them.
it really do be like that sometimes
Why? Gusanos are ubiquous and evergreen, and Bolsonaro would love to invade too. Are the venezuelan people widely armed or something? Would China do anything? Has China ever done anything to stop the US warmachine, rather the opposite I would say...