i have no idea what this site is, have never used reddit, and do not listen to cpt but i was directed here when i said i wanted a site where i could actively wish death upon conservatives. am i in the right place

    2 years ago

    i wanted a site where i could actively wish death upon conservatives.

    lmao, you'll do just fine, kid

        • armed_roomba [she/her]
          2 years ago

          of course. i would like to say that i am incredibly sickly and skinny and any threats i make are entirely empty due to that. i wont encourage violence since i dont want to reccomend anything i have no experience in

          • Charon [they/them]
            2 years ago

            The rule in the terms of service is that you cannot encourage or threaten violence against individuals. Groups of people are fine unless that group is a group of public officials, so targeting senators is not allowed.

            …needless to say, there have been some TOS violations today

              • DinosaurThussy [they/them]
                2 years ago

                The rule they’re referring to is in the Code of Conduct:

                Direct calls to violence that target specific identifiable living individuals are not permitted on Hexbear.net. You can express your anger over landlords, slaveowners, etc, but try to phrase it in a way that focuses on the institution they represent. This policy also applies to any specific organizational bodies and groups (eg the DNC).

      • Mindfury [he/him]
        2 years ago

        ignore fedposters, their eternal defeatism makes them instantly believe that and showing of emotion must be a false flag

  • Shoegazer [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Sorry but you’re in the wrong place. This is a Nancy Pelosi fundraising website

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    when i said i wanted a site where i could actively wish death upon conservatives


  • Commander_Data [she/her]
    2 years ago

    It's only allowed if you :both-sides: it by wishing physical harm on liberals, too.

  • yang [they/them, any]
    2 years ago

    Are you looking for this? :gui-better:

    We mostly shitpost here, but we'll usually have more sincere discussions in the comments. Also, we have the occasional news or effortpost. Welcome!

    • armed_roomba [she/her]
      2 years ago

      restart. it worked for the founding fathers, we can do it again but good this time (and without slavery, thats a very important part that we should leave out)

  • Pirate [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Do you think the site's interface is intuitive or at least easy to figure out?

  • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    Welcome! :rat-salute: It's not a very big community, but the userbase is pretty active and I love the discussions that come up. Plus the memes and irony are nice. I hope you enjoy wishing death upon conservatives with us!

    I'm always curious how people find Hexbear that weren't on reddit or users from /r/chapotraphouse.

    • armed_roomba [she/her]
      2 years ago

      said it earlier in the thread, but the gist is i found it from rationalwiki somehow. thanks for the welcome!