My situation can be mostly summarized by a previous post I made here:

So the first legal remedy that I have available to me taking up my case on the basis that I was evicted after coming out is bisexual. They couldn't offer me any guidance as to asking for a settlement, but I noticed that Not only was the former friend of mine listed but also the apartment complex. So what I'm thinking of is as follows:

  1. The termination of the employee that committed the offense

  2. Mandatory diversity and tenants rights training for all remaining employees and ownership

  3. The above mentioned rights are to be posted in all employee locations and the entrances to the apartment complex

  4. Monetary damages to be paid in the sum of $100,000

Tell me if this is a terrible thing to post here

    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Way too low. I'm not limited to damages that I can show receipts for and I can show receipts for pretty close to that. This shit set me back at least a year in my life. On the emotional side, I'm not even going to start. 100k isn't a joke number. And once I get it I'm going in for another pound of flesh in a civil suit since I'll be able to afford a lawyer. Unless they pay me half a shitload to sign away that right.

      • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        I don't doubt that you deserve $100k. But honestly I doubt you will get anything out of this.

        • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Well it's just a first offer. The worst that could happen is I don't get what I want up front and they have to go through an investigation. The way my contact at the civil rights department made it sound is that this is a routine case for them, so I think it'll work out for me. Either way it wasn't my primary plan for restitution. It just managed to get to this point before I could save for a lawyer.

    4 months ago

    Money only. Trainings only annoy people. Feel free to send me 25k to pay off my medical debt for my amazing advice. uwu

      • Galli [comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        It will be some manager half assedly reading off a list of rights for 20 mins to a bunch of people looking at their phones without listening. How much financial compensation are you willing to sacrifice to get this as a concession?

        • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
          4 months ago

          How does that come out of my financial compensation? I'm the one setting the terms of negotiation. This is an opening offer; it's supposed to be maximalist. They can give me more money if they want that off the list. But I want that on the list to be a thorn in their side. After this happened I went to the building management and told them the law they were breaking. I sent a certified letter so there would be a record for the court. Their response was changing the locks.

    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Yeah, save for my contact at the civil rights department that's handling my case. I'm still pretty close to flat broke after pulling out of semi-homelessness just before I lost the hyphen. I'm saving up to get a lawyer to handle this from the civil side for the illegal way he evicted me, rather than the discriminatory why. Maybe if this were happening in a couple months, ya know? They say they only want a decision on whether I ask for a settlement at all early this week.

  • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Okay I'm gonna buck the trend - maybe change the order of the list to order of priority for your personal situation (putting money first), but keep everything on the list?

    My idea is that it might be more persuasively presented this way - yes, I'm suing because I have been personally harmed and I want to recoup my losses, but also this shit is unconscionable and it would be great to ensure nobody else suffers this same harm by firing those responsible, training those who remain, and informing the other tenants.

    honestly, it would be awesome if there were a snowball's chance in hell that you could get them to have to take out some ads locally to inform not just their tenants but all tenants of their rights, or better yet force them to include it in all of their advertisement of apartments for lease for the next decade

    PS - how are your cats? did they settle in eventually and make friends with the pig?

    • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
      4 months ago

      The cats are healthy... but they're too afraid of the dogs (and the pig that makes weird ass noises) to leave my room so far :(

      I'm trying to keep the door open (with a baby fence) so that they get acclimated but I'm only home for a couple hours on a workday. I think I need to change the strategy...

      My violent drunk roommate lets his leave by the window, but I don't want to do that because I don't want mosquitos getting in and the screen only fits by virtue of a bunch of masking tape around the sides, so it can't be removed and replaced.

  • GinAndJuche
    4 months ago

    I’d only pursue 1 and 4. Money only is the smart move, but I’m spiteful enough to risk 1. Others might not feel it’s worth it.

    Edit: Upon reflection there’s no way that person keeps their job if you get a big payout. Joining the chorus of 4s.

  • Lurker123 [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I doubt you will get good advice from people in this thread, since this is a highly specialized field of law that will also differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. I would recommend you look into free legal aid organizations in your area, as they often having housing clinics and can provide advice on the applicable law, next steps, and legal filings.

    (Reposting here, accidentally posted as a response to the old thread)