There's just a hint of self-awareness to this chud in that he knows that The Handmaid's Tale is a bad way for society to be for him to describe being more extreme than that as worse. :frothingfash:

  • fishnwhistle420 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    liberals want to keep their options open for when the shit really hits the fan

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      2 years ago

      i'm afraid some of them do, yes. there's also some that have their heart in the right place, but are just horribly naive. these are in a perfect position for a wakeup call rn and i think we as leftists need to make clear what is at stake, that we're reaching a tipping point where liberal democracy as we commonly understand it* may fail in the US and that this failure means it's either socialism or barbarism from then on out. some of them still won't get it, but when shit is coming down the left needs every last woman, man and nonbinary person that can be brought over to the side that doesn't want to return to the plantation era.

      • i get that "liberal democracy as we commonly understand it" means very different things to us and to libs. but that's besides the point here - the point is that the old order in America is actively being dismantled and that it is rapidly becoming irrelevant if you were a maoist or a clintonist in the before times because them and us will both be equally fucked very, very soon.