The idea revolves heavily around the creation and deployment of several thin film-like silicon bubbles. The “space bubbles” as they refer to them, would be joined together like a raft. Once expanded in space it would be around the same size as Brazil. The bubbles would then provide an extra buffer against the harmful solar radiation that comes from the Sun.
The carbon footprint of manufacturing each bubble will, however, require the deployment of an additional bubble.
It's simple, we just keep producing bubbles until we wrap the planet in several kilometers of bubble wrap at which time it will be perpetual night on the surface and our dark vampiric masters may end the masquerade and lead us to a new golden age.
I'd like to think that vampires would see the need to keep humanity safe and healthy for their survival, but capitalists didn't so... waitaminute, was Blade a commentary on capitalism?
We just have to wait for aliens to come along to pop the bubble wrap. Let's hope that's a universal behavior