• BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I'm not sure opinion polls matter at all, go back and look at all the Dem primary polls, the popularity of Bernie's proposals, and look at the end result. Nothing fucking matters.

    Nothing will be done about climate change and that is the only thing that realy matters, everything else is a damn circus. The most favorable politician chart randomly including Putin is just the author's own bias coming in lol.

    • RonJeremyCorbyn [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Those prior results could imply that the polls are meaningless. They could also imply that the polls are biased to the left, and the real feeling is to the right. And if that's the case, we are in v bad shape ( different polling could have different biases, though, obviously.)

      • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        or it could mean the liberal scaremongering and wagon-circling worked. If trump's covid response wasn't a factor, either because the pandemic didn't happen or somebody told him he could make a killing on masks, i think biden would've managed a loss.

      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
        2 years ago

        There are many reasons pills are wrong, but the salient fact for organizing is that they are ridiculously malleable and incoherent generally. I can and have convinced many libs that explicitly disagree with nearly everything about a socialist candidate... to enthusiastically say they'll vote for that candidate because we had a nice rapport and I agreed with some nonsense they were saying and backed off on everything untill we found one shared position. We've all seen 180s happen rapidly, and the example of the George Floyd protests was a clear double-whammy: overwhelming support for police before, then middling during, then overwhelming again, particularly in cities. This also applies to war: supposedly against it in theory, but become bloodthirsty jingoists so long as the narrative is right, then regret later on for most. Regret that never turns into a consistent anti-war position. Regret that is media-manufactured via rationalizations for why it failed to meet "our goals", rationalizations about efficiency rather than the destruction of countries. Just like the support was media-manufactured. Just like the general opposition to war, in theory, was manufactured.

        You could also look at the breakneck speed of "we must defend Ukraine and save those people" as compared to the US-supported genocide in Yemen. Americans can't find either on a map and know nothing about either. They just get jerked around by propaganda up until it becomes too inconsistent for them and then they have a breakdown and start getting into conspiracy theories or burn out.

        Another lovely example is how COVID is now just "over" in the US via a concerted propaganda campaign.