Full list here. Includes prominent people like Tulsi Gabbard, John Mearsheimer, and Glenn Greenwald

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Bolsonaro literally giving a salute to the USA flag. I remember there was one from a general or something as well.

      The whole idea that Bolsonaro was pandering to Putin was just the Democrats trying to play geopolitics with their kid's gloves, you know trying to make it seem that the loathsome idiots are all banded together, Puting-Bolsonaro-Trump.. The reality is from 2016 Brazil is even more dominated by US interests probably the worst since the military dictatorship.

      There are constant recurring news about US interference in the coming elections too.

      Anyway point being Brazilian, but realy all Latin American rightoids are all fascists wannabe gusanos, you know "cachorros vira-lata"(mongrels) as they say.