• TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I once worked in the oilfield. I was paid $100 as a day rate, at the time it was some of the best money I made. I once saw what I was contracted out as - they were charging husky energy $300 a day for me (a greenhand). Husky was still making tons of money so that must've been a good deal for them.

    Once, there was a story about a small time pizza joint where the boss "rewarded" his workers with all the money the place made split between them. They made, I think, 3x what they made in wages. Labour cost is usually 33% at high end restaurants, lower at cheaper places - labour cost is the percentage of wages paid out compared to sales made it doesn't include rent or food/capital.

    • glimmer_twin [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I’ve worked in bars for years and most bosses I’ve known aimed for like 15-20% wages lol. Post-Covid lockdown for a while there we were doing more like 10-12% even. I’ve worked on a lot of skeleton crews.