• Phish [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    Had the 9th version of that conversation with my family tonight where they explained to me that doing anything besides voting for Biden is voting for Trump. I tried to explain that I think the Dems catering more to the center-right than the left means they've decided they don't need my vote, and that if they wanted my vote they'd do something, fucking anything at all, to try and get it. They just weren't having it. These democrats don't actually believe in democracy. It would be funny as hell if it weren't so frustrating. Really makes me wanna get grill pilled y'all.

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Exactly. But you won't see moderate republicans getting blamed when Biden loses. It will still be the left's fault somehow.

    • Young_Lando [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      LMFAO I like to hit em with the, "I'm not voting for Joe Biden bc I'm not convinced. What is he gonna do about it?"

      Usually shuts people up

    • uwu [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I would kill for a family that tries to pressure me to vote for Biden. Nobody related to me is even close to being left of Reagan.

      • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I can't even talk about politics. One only responds with true faith in Trump and victim complexes anything else, another doesn't vote and is kinda anarchist except only for white cishet, also they like Trump. Another is a true maoist and knows that there is not point to elections (not actually a maoist). The other is a succdem with potential for radicalization and we do sometimes talk politics.

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Nobody related to me is even close to being left of Reagan.

        Neither is Biden

    • chance [they/them,none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The fruits of treating politics like a sport or a reality tv show. The idea of choosing who you're going to vote for based on what they actually believe and are likely to do is so foreign to liberal voters that when you say "they're not doing anything to earn my vote", the windows XP error message plays in their head.

      Instead, they vote for whichever party blindly every time because it's their team! Because Obama presents himself so nicely and is so eloquent, or because Trump is such a strong man getting things done because he says things so assertively! If there's any examination of the candidate's voting history or political beliefs, it's only the other candidate, and if my team's candidate does it? oh well that's different.

    • extraterrestrial5 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Dems catering more to the center-right

      petite bourgeois support for corporate monopolies is the definition of fascism

    • Keeperofthe7keys [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Honestly like, as much as I want Trump to lose, i also want Biden to lose so I can tell them off for blaming us when they picked a candidate we told them we wouldn't support.

    • Keeperofthe7keys [he/him]
      4 years ago

      "The obvious choice was to have Bernie, the hero of the story overcome the twin evils of American politics and fix the country in the third act, so we decided to subvert your expectations by having Biden win the nomination and lose to Trump."

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There are two options:

      One, he wins, and dies four days before swearing in

      Two, he loses and lives for another 40 years

      • Sushi_Desires
        4 years ago

        he loses and lives for another 40 years

        lol can you imagine his brain doing a complete benjamin button, but for some reason his body just won't give in (also its aging isn't reversed)

  • margaretsnatcher2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    DemoRats don’t wanna be in power. Their donors want them to be an opposition party in appearance and the Dems love that gravy train.

  • Comraragi [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Not sure I even agree with this meme, actual socialists should not be helping let alone hoping Biden wins anyway, and if that somehow statistically meant his "chances" are actualy lower than lol fuck you DNC/Capitalists pieces of shit why do you think you will guilt trip us into submission? Where did I sign up to play your shit game to begin with?

    Harm reduction is a fallacy. If you tell me the revolution is impossible then we never had a chance anyway so fuck Capitalism, fuck this world. It is our way or die trying.

    The saying is "Socialism or Barbarianism" , not "Socialism or another 4 years of right wing Democrats literally promising NOTHING WILL FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE".

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      4 years ago

      I mean the point isn't that I want him to win or even give much a fuck about who occupies the oval office. The point is that they don't care to win, only to demonize the left.

      • Comraragi [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Right, sorry I don't mean to complain towards the OP, but rather the general feeling that EVEN IF someone could prove the left is helping Trump win simply by not voting, that is irrelevant anyway and I couldn't care less if the DNC or any liberal tries to use it against me.

        We need to stand up and face the liberals, not potentially be cowards towards whatever shitty allegations they may throw. They want to play their little game, let them.