I feel like she used to be a darling of the old sub, but that seems to have stopped at some point and I now rarely see her mentioned.

  • TemporalMembrane [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Like a fish doesn't know it's swimming in water, some trans people don't feel dysphoria as intense as suicidal ideation or as something exceptional to everyday life. But (almost) all feel a sense of euphoria when their gender is recognized or when they can "perform" their gender by wearing appropriate clothes and so on.

    It's not easy to know you're trans if you just kind of get on with life. Some people don't realize it until they're well into their senior years (like 70 yo AMAB fresh trans queens). But there are signs, do you just kinda put on whatever clothes and don't think about it? Do you often fantasize about being a different gender then the one you were assigned at birth? Do you play a lot of characters in DnD or games that are a different gender? Y'know, stuff like that.