Like yeah I know capitalism is stealing my time and energy, yeah I know "laziness" is mostly a myth, etc. etc.

But like there's still creative stuff I want to do in my free time, like paint or write or play music, that I feel like I just physically can't bring myself to do.

So how do you do stuff?

  • fuckmyphonefuckingsu [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    They only things I've had any success at all in getting done were things I really, really cared about, and even then it took months, years, and even decades to make meaningful progress. Life is just fucking draining, so def dont beat yourself up when/if you cant find time to put the work in moment to moment

    I was an only child and had the good fortune of getting a free guitar when I was like 10, i was grounded constantly so i just sat in my room and played for hours, every night. It became clear to me that I was passionate about songwriting early in my life, but not everyone has that moment of clarity. To this day recording is the hardest fucking thing for me to do. I've found the solution for me is actually not to do some habitual thing where i force myself to do a little playing every single day or w/e (I've seen people burn out that way very easily) and instead dont touch it until i feel really inspired to. Then I'll sit down and crank out songs or riffs or whatever for a few hours. When I do I try to get it to any kind of complete state, even if it isnt perfect

    Later in my life I got passionate about writing, usually critical materialist essays for my own sanity and I use the same methodology. I dont force myself to do it every day, just when I'm "inspired" (usually just fucking pissed off) to do it. I have family in ukraine so writing about the war was something that was emotionally draining but i dedicated myself to it pyschotically for days on end w no sleep

    sorry if this rambly or unhelpful, but it appears true to me that ppl are just idiosyncratic and theres no way for anyone to know what methodology works best for you. maybe try a few things, see what sticks. And post your progress here and let comrades know what you're up to! (encouragement and feedback has helped motivate me, I know its helped some others as well)

    best of luck in your endeavors comrade :comrade-birdie: