“I would never, ever say that I regret supporting the first Black woman vice president, ever. But the disappointment is real,” said one self-described former member of the #KHive, who requested to speak anonymously so as not to alienate themselves from friends made through the movement. “I was obsessed with the idea of this person who could undo the systemic, the systematic racism and sexism and heterosexism in government with one fell swoop, and now I’m thinking to myself, did I just make up a person in my head who could do those things?”

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    2 years ago

    “I always understood #KHive as a rallying cry and hashtag, but after VP was selected the person who created it started talking about trademarking and ownership, so I decided to stop using it,” Colbert said. “I just don’t believe in answering to anyone in my advocacy… especially when I can be equally as effective without the hashtag.”

    I wish khive was trademarked, it would be even funnier. And of course whoever first thought of it is trying to make money.