The Left has always looked down on America. They want to tear up the Constitution, overturn it and rewrite it. If they had the power, they would. They don't want equal justice, God-given rights, free speech. They want to radically change our national fundamentals. Pick it, pack the Court, national popular vote, abolish the filibuster, you name it, all in the name of "democracy." It's their favorite word.

It has been for progressives for over 100 years. They thought we were a democracy. We've always been a constitutional republic. Before Obama was elected in 2008, he said that we were just days away from "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Did Obama think America was broken? A puzzle that was in a million pieces and had to be put together?

I just love when reactionaries go on about how "wE'Re a ConStiTuTiONaL rEpUbLic!!!" as if we're not allowed to change how we do things if people think it's a bad way to run things. And no, saying "just pass a constitutional amendment if you want change" isn't valid because Wyoming and North Dakota and like 20 other little states sure as hell aren't gonna vote to curtail their own massively outsized power.

The US constitution is just absolute dogshit, worst constitution in the world objectively.

    • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
      2 years ago

      Virginia Slavers: "sorry best I can do is 3/5th"

      Liberals 200 years later: "wow such an enlightened document!" :so-true:

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Let me say this in a way chuds will understand: America is a shit country and if it continues to pretend that the constitution is flawless then it will never learn to improve.

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      2 years ago

      Even the bourgeois "framers" understood you need to add amendments and be flexible from time to time. But the idea they pushed that the constitution is this unassailable document inevitably morphed into "the constitution is good as it is actually" to many of their dipshit heirs.

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The left has always looked down on America


    Fox News host Pete Hegseth calls out Democrats


  • amyra [she/her]
    2 years ago

    noooo we love the constitution, the republicans are the real communist constitution up-tearers :wojak-nooo:

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    2 years ago

    Yep we've been based since the 1830s:

    Garrison then produced a copy of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law and put a match to it. Amid cries of "Amen" the hated document burned to a cinder. Then he produced copies of Judge Edward G. Loring's decision to send Anthony Burns back to slavery and Judge Benjamin R. Curtis's comments to the U.S. grand jury considering charges of constructive treason against those who had participated in the failed attempt to free Burns. As Martin Luther had burned copies of canon law and the papal bull excommunicating him from the Catholic Church for heresy, Garrison consigned each to the flames. Holding up a copy of the U.S. Constitution, he branded it as "the source and parent of all the other atrocities--'a covenant with death, and an agreement with hell.'" As the nation's founding document burned to ashes, he cried out: "So perish all compromises with tyranny!"

    unironicly my view of the US constitution. shit belongs in the toilet.

  • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Any document that says "more perfect" isn't worth the paper on which it's written.

    Tear it up and burn it down.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      They don't have a partisan duopoly dominated by Western Capitalism so how could they?

  • DespiteAllMyWage [des/pair]
    2 years ago

    It’s the worst and the oldest… coincidentally of course. stares at boomers while salivating at the prospect of Dr. stone style old-icide

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    :amerikkka: DEATH TO AMERIKKKA :amerikkka:

    :liberty-weeping: :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:

  • PZK [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The problem I see here is the projection. Often the right telegraphs their next moves by accusing what they think liberals/leftists are going to do to them.

    They want to tear up the Constitution, overturn it and rewrite it. If they had the power, they would.

    This is their next move.

    Yes, the US constitution is garbage and fundamentally flawed at best, but the reasoning they want to change it is not to "liberate the people". They want to remove any provisions it has that contradict their agenda. The time will come when even they think it is an obstacle that needs to be changed.

  • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Every Other Country: This constitution sucks ass, lets throw it away, shred it and burn the ashes lol

    USA: The sacred document has cast a foule shadow upon thyne visage, there shall not be a curative poultice for thyne sugar ailment as fortold by the founding wizards.

    • VeganTendies [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Republicans within 10 years when they get enough state governments: "I retract everything lol!"

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    By all means, I approve of the "republic, not democracy" rhetoric that comes from the right. Colloquially, to most Americans, the two words mean functionally the same thing but that's far from the truth. A "Republic" is simply a state which, in theory, represents the people or nation rather than a royal family (in practice, that just means the head of state position isn't heritable). Some of the American founding fathers made it quite clear that the two weren't the same, and that the institutions and constitutions were meant to empower their class over the mass of people, above of all else.

    This is just something the Right is (mostly) aware of and alludes to (as they support heirarchies which place those more "worthy" at the top), while the "Left" insists that no, the FFs made a wholesome 100 big chungus constitutional democracy meant to represent "all people". However, as the situation deteriorates for more working Americans and it becomes more obvious who the state was intended to serve, the appeal to legitimacy by Dems to a time when rich white guys in powdered wigs made all the important decisions further loses its luster.

      • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
        2 years ago

        I feel like this oversimplifies the class collaborationist aspect. While it's true that the financial "heavy-weights" were facilitating the vast land grab and genocide which allowed poor whites to benefit and become smallholders/yeomen/homesteaders, this ran in conjunction to the overall goal of expanding their wealth and power. It was the two-pronged benefit of the expansion of what would become capitalism into "untamed" lands, combined with having a sizeable segment of the population become loyal servants to the ruling class with promises of their own land, to make taming the "Great Beast" easier (which is a recurring concept since the Roman times). Of course, this doesn't preclude the idea of the ruling class also believing in what they were selling to the white masses, but this was all originally informed and shaped by the westward ambitions of the colonial merchant elite since the days of the Thirteen Colonies. Mind you, none of this contradicts the fact that the poor white American population was complicit at large, even if they were disenfranchised (initially not even being allowed to vote by default).