It's pretty obvious that the mods are biased towards white people and the British in particular. You can make fun of white people all you want, but the moment you even dare criticise a black person then the kid gloves come off and the Nazi mods ban you.
I'm British and honestly, I'm offended by the comments I see here about British cooking. I know a lot of British people on this site feel the same but are afraid to speak up because of the authoritarian mods.
We don't all eat jellied eels. I come from Bedfordshire. Here we have a dish called a Bedfordshire clanger. It's meat, fruit jam and potatoes wrapped in pastry. Does that sound bad to you?
If there is black pride and gay pride, then why can't I be proud to be British?
I am English and I am proud. I won't be afraid anymore.
English isn't even a real race, you're fucking island Germans in denial
meat, fruit jam and potatoes wrapped in pastry. Does that sound bad to you?
The English pride themselves on "bants" but are the poster children for people who can dish it out but can't take it.
Sure, endless mockery of the French for being cowards or smelly or lazy is fair game, but someone makes a joke about the toast sandwich and suddenly its a hate crime.
someone makes a joke about the toast sandwich and suddenly its a hate crime
that is just mocking poverty
According to Wikipedia, the first recipe for a toast sandwich appeared in an 1861 cookbook chapter about cooking for "invalids". The recipe suggests adding meat to the sandwich to make it more paletable. I'm no expert in Victorian England, but in a society where education is reserved for the well-off, a literate person who can afford meat hardly sounds like the desperately poor.
I'm sure that people have eaten the dish out of poverty and desperation, but it apparently didn't start out as poor people food.
Even putting that aside, lots of shit bland food is probably also eaten by poor people with few other choices. Nobody is making fun of those people. We're mocking the people who have money to eat any variety of foods prepared any number of ways but still think boiled potatoes and peas are appetizing.
And shit, poverty isn't exactly endemic to England. There are places that are much, much, poorer than England where poor people have developed better staple dishes than three slices of bread.
According to Wikipedia, the first recipe for a toast sandwich appeared in an 1861 cookbook chapter about cooking for “invalids”. The recipe suggests adding meat to the sandwich to make it more paletable. I’m no expert in Victorian England, but in a society where education is reserved for the well-off, a literate person who can afford meat hardly sounds like the desperately poor.
the rich put meat in it, the poor just had the bread
I’m sure that people have eaten the dish out of poverty and desperation, but it apparently didn’t start out as poor people food.
the cookbook didn't invent it
Even putting that aside, lots of shit bland food is probably also eaten by poor people with few other choices. Nobody is making fun of those people. We’re mocking the people who have money to eat any variety of foods prepared any number of ways but still think boiled potatoes and peas are appetizing.
except you aren't, when you mock something broadly, you are including everyone who does the thing
and i have no idea where you got the boiled potatoes thing from, usually they're roastedAnd shit, poverty isn’t exactly endemic to England. There are places that are much, much, poorer than England where poor people have developed better staple dishes than three slices of bread.
it isn't a staple dish
I can only hope that one day the proletarians of England will put as much effort and passion into overthrowing their shitty, murderous, government as you put into defending bland English food.
i'm sorry that me being tired of poverty bashing offends you
edit: this once said "you first", i edited it before i got the notification
Which government do you even think I live under?
Edit: for the record, the post I was responding to was "you first".
lol its real
The Bedfordshire clanger, also called the Hertfordshire clanger, Trowley Dumpling,[1] or simply the clanger, is a dish from Bedfordshire and adjacent counties in England, such as Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.[2] It dates back to at least the 19th century. It is still available at various bakers and served at some cafes, restaurants and local places of interest.
The word "clanger" is related to the dialect term "clung", which Joseph Wright glossed as meaning "heavy", in relation to food.[3][4]
Flag your flag fearless. There is no legitimized power structure on the planet to truly threaten your body and life based on your genetic heritage. Prejudice folks here may be, but racism requires the active threat of one group holding power over another. It is literally impossible to be racist against people who sit at the top of the global political food chain. Never fun being the butt of jokes and I get that. Sorry for the hurt comrade. Also, don't post racist shit. And don't be made because people called you out on it. Self critique.
Lmfao bit or not if you don't want brit cooking to be made fun of learn some fucking presentation if shits gonna be posted online. Ah yes what is more appetizing than untoasted white bread and unseasoned potatoes straight from being boiled.
Boiling food is so gross why boil anything you could simply steam
boiling is the least energy efficient and least tasty way to prepare almost everything
yeah I'm gonna try to make some mashed potatoes for the first time today and it's like "boil this" and i'm like nah I'mma steam it hope it works out :edgeworth-shrug: FINALLY WE HAVE A NEW SHRUG EMOJI
edit: it's not very shruggy though
Lmao imagine thinking jokes about whitey are genuinely racist. Hurtful, maybe but not tied to any actual action or oppression like racism is
Not even jokes about whitey, jokes about a specific cuisine that other whiteys also agree is bad.
I'm from Intercourse-upon-Turdshire and my Great Father-Uncle, Viscount Bamberfrop Sayworth IV of Blussex, after a night of faffery at Eton, invented Spotted Richard as a dish fit for any short-panted and finehaired lordling of southwestern East Midlands.
For this service to the crown, he was awarded several estates in southern Rhodesia.
Love me self summa dat with just a wee hint of glastonburchintensire sauce on top yes I do