Imagine the mental gymnastics you have to go through to argue that not voting for a genocidal maniac is privilege. Basically what this person saying is that if you are Palestinian you should vote for and support the person who is actively enabling the genocide of your people because they are afraid of what Trump might do because they themselves might be affected by it. How is that not privilege?

The most effective way of achieving any meaningful change is protesting and holding politicians accountable no matter who is in power. But they're arguing for not doing that. To blindly accept and not protest or even criticize a person enabling genocide. Who cares what you vote for? A single vote doesn't mean shit but standing up and fighting against fascism and genocide is what matters. Not only are many of these liberals privileged they are fucking cowards too.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    Dem hardliners have decided the ends (their fake democracy) justify the means (literally genocide). This is not the answer to "What would you have done during the Holocaust" that I wanted. Like what the entire fuck

      3 months ago

      They read Martin Niemöller's poem "first they came for the socialists..." and somehow think this doesn't apply to them. Do they think that the precedent that is being set by the genocide of Palestinians can't also apply to the other marginalized groups they pretend to care about?

        3 months ago

        "Whew, good thing I'm not any of those things in that poem, I'm a liberal, and nazis don't go after liberals, so I'm fine."

        3 months ago


        If they can genocide 1 group of peoples they can genocide any group of peoples, expecting that party to do anything to stop the right's attack on lgbtq+ peoples is naive to the point of stupidity. If the Republicans really do decide to significantly ramp up their oppression during the next term, the Democrats will not only let them but probably even help them do it.

      • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
        3 months ago

        They read Martin Niemöller's poem "first they came for the socialists..." and somehow think this doesn't apply to them.

        They read it but never got past the first line

      • disposable_cracker [he/him, he/him]
        3 months ago

        The way this type of libs act, I think they would be accusing us of thinking the "first came for the" doesn't apply to us. To them, it'a vote between "first they came for the Palestinians" and "first they came for the Palestinians but even worse. Also, they're coming for the trans people first as well."

    • 420stalin69
      3 months ago

      I didn’t expect more but I’m still shocked to see it.

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    3 months ago

    "I shouldn't have to vote for the lesser of two evils, I should get to vote for a candidate that 100% aligns with my desires"

    sweet mother of shit no one has ever said, can you actually address a real point anyone has made or are you only capable of debating strawmen. I've can't even fathom agreeing on 85% of things with someone who would run under a third ML party that's going to get 450 votes, let alone 100%. I'm willing to vote for someone who agrees with like, 40% of what I actually believe. Biden, on a good day? Represents maybe 2% of what I believe and actively opposes about 95% of what I believe. Man can't even be bothered to not send bombs to Israel that he knows damn well are going to be dropped on hospitals. I live in a state with universal mail in ballots. I get my ballot mailed to my doorstep. I don't need to put on pants to vote, and I'm not going to waste my time acting like somehow things would be totally different under either Red Trump or Blue Trump

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      Bernie was a compromise and they're the ones who wouldn't accept it. Always projection

      Biden 100% conforms to their only real ideals of going to brunch, hating poors, and killing brown people

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 months ago

      I don't need to put on pants to vote

      This is the most brutal condemnation of voting as political action I have ever encountered.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        3 months ago

        Basically how I put it to my folks (not America). "In a race between these two would you bother leaving the house to vote?"

        3 months ago

        In the coming sunday we have local elections in Poland. I briefly entertained the thought of putting on my pants and going to vote, but the local elections in Poland are designed to be much more corrupt than the national ones.

      3 months ago

      I hate how these smug ghouls are almost always trying to re-frame anti-Biden sentiment over a literal genocide as if it was just us making mountains out of nothing.

      "This is just a small disagreement you have with his politics, you agree with him almost 100% of the time otherwise so you should just accept it and vote for him, don't let perfection be the enemy of the good." smuglord

    • Greenleaf [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Not even Lenin aligns 100% of my values, and he’s the leader who in all of world history I align closest with. That’s such a strange straw man they are making.

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    3 months ago

    Funny how they frame it as Biden doesn't align 100% with your desires instead of there's literally zero places your interests align with his.

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    Notice how the framing on Palestine switched from “Trump will do the bad thing” to “Trump isn’t going to be better than Biden.” Even there they have to admit that Biden and Trump are 100% Hitler.

    I think this goes back to the white, affluent liberal worldview that they speak for the poor, unfortunate souls that can’t speak for themselves. So to disregard their political interests is, in their minds, to disregard those without privilege.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      In the reddit-logo news threads on anything Israel/Palestine, there will be (highly upvoted) comments spouting off about 'what even is Palestine' anyway, and that kind of garbage.

      As though Palestinians must need to be able to trace their lineage back generations and have a history dating back millineia, and failing that it's fine to just seize their land and kill them

      • 420stalin69
        3 months ago

        As though Palestinians must need to be able to trace their lineage back generations and have a history dating back millineia

        And yet they can. Genetic testing shows the closest genetic relatives of the 2000-year old Hebrew population of Palestine and Galilee are Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syriacs.

        Ironically, the Ashkenazi Jewish population have 60-80% European origin by mitochondrial (matrilineal) DNA.

        The Jews mostly didn’t leave Palestine. They mostly converted to other religions.

        The “Palestinian Arab” idea is pseudoscience in furtherance of genocide. It’s to deny the indigenous nature of the Palestinians. The arabicization of Palestine was mostly a matter of cultural exchange, much less than genetics. The Palestinians have been there for almost 5,000 years, and the Ashkenazi and Sephardic, etc, groups share some common ancestry with them.

        The indigenous Hebrews (one of groups tribes who lived in the region) mostly converted to Christianity and Romanized by the 4th century then after the Arab conquest in the 7th century they largely converted to Islam. The local population was never removed or expelled. They simply changed their cultural practices over 2000 years, included by their neighbors, just like everywhere else did.

        • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
          3 months ago

          What's funny is these zionists/conservatives say stuff like:

          "Oh they're turned arab like 1000 years ago, therefore we should genocide them"

          Using this standard, Germans have every right to genocide Hungarians out from Europe, considering they invaded 1000 years ago too. But they won't because Hungarians now look european and are Catholic.

    3 months ago

    I love how this ladder-pulling liberal cop-queer thinks there's any solidarity to be found between assimilationist sellouts and those who know better. Nah, if you're gonna eagerly goosestep right next to the rest of the coastal nazis, you are no longer someone I consider worth extending solidarity to. I would sooner watch the country fall-- would sooner die in that fall-- than be counted on the same side as the genociders. Death to the settler, death to its empire.

    Leave it to to have the most spineless, most wretched, most fucking milquetoast assimilationist take possible. Anything to keep the treats flowing for them. Their man ain't done shit for me; in fact, he still owes me 2 grand, locked up a couple of my cousins on RICO charges, and still hasn't closed the concentration camps or divested the country from prison chattel slavery. That cracker (and everyone who stumps for him) is my enemy.

    • Dessa [she/her]
      3 months ago

      Trump has done more for working class people just by stumbling into covid stimulus and pursuing his need for adortion. They need to realize that a lot of Trump voters see him as the lesser of two evils.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    there isn't even an electoralist logic to supporting biden now. the administration is sacrificing a major piece of the coalition that forms the DNC's support bloc. trying to bully those people [and anyone who understands political projects] back into line is twisting the knife in an already critical wound. even party reformers should be vocally withholding support for biden. the lesson would be for leadership to understand that there is no segment of the coalition that can be sacrificed without losing the election. that they have found the floor of "giving a fuck" and they can't go any lower.

    of course, i think the notion that the democrats do not mind being out of power, as they are primarily a perennial fundraising and campaigning/consulting/advertising organization and major client for highly concentrated media conglomerates, is a tough pill many americans are unwilling to swallow.

  • lapis [fae/faer, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    as a trans lesbian, I am terrified of another Trump presidency.

    that said, I am sick and tired of people like me being used as mere rhetorical pawns by liberals. if democrats cared about trans and queer people locally, if they cared about people of color locally, if they cared about women locally, you know what they would have fucking done? run a viable candidate. stopped supporting Israel's genocide of Palestinians. codified bodily autonomy and freedom of sexuality and gender identity into law. and they have done exactly zero of those things.

    I'm tired of pretending democrats are the lesser of two evils. they're not less evil. they're just marginally less forthcoming about their evil, which is honestly worse in a lot of ways. at least Trump says he wants trans people eradicated, meanwhile Biden will make some mushy statement about the Trans Day of Visibility while doing jack shit to protect the rights of trans people in, what, half the country now? over half?

  • Angel [any]
    3 months ago

    100% aligns with my desires

    A politician in line with 100% of all my desires? That would be ideal but impractical, so maybe not, but I'm100% opposed to genocide, and I refuse to vote for someone who is even only 99% opposed to genocide. I don't think being 100% opposed to genocide is too high of standard, right? If it is, the Democratic Party needs extreme reevaluation more now than ever.

    • Smeagolicious [they/them]
      3 months ago

      Before he showed his whole ass with the ongoing genocide I could've held my nose and voted for Bernie who was clearly already a socdem at best. Nowhere near 100% purity, just like, the bare minimum c'mon

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 months ago

    One of those comments that's so stupid that they should legally be required to choke themselves while writing it. Not in a fun way, but like the boot camp scene from Full Metal Jacket.

  • Owl [he/him]
    3 months ago

    What value is my vote supposed to have if a candidate can get it regardless of what they do?

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Their answer to this is "if you vote for him you can push him left" but none of them can explain how that's supposed to work, as it's just obvious nonsense.

      They're just running on auto pilot at this point, mindlessly repeating meaningless soundbytes.

  • kristina [she/her]
    3 months ago

    im literally trans and ive been hatecrimed before.

    average liberal: woaw so privileged

  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    He literally was a go-between for northern Democrats and Dixiecrats.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    3 months ago

    I should get to vote for a candidate that 100% aligns with my desires.

    I'm not American, but if I was I'd hope to get a candidate that aligns with at least some of my desires. So far Biden has done nothing to further leftist causes, nor has he protected people from the right-wings draconian policies. Not to mentioned he has funded genocide, war and imperialism. The dude might as well be a Republican.

    Real good look for your so called democracy when you're expected to vote for a candidate you don't want.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      Yeah this is what I try explaining to liberals and they don't get it. None of what Biden proposed aligns with my values. Not even the stuff he says about LGBTQ people or people or color because I don't believe he actually cares or is fully compentent to do anything good. Nothing of his platform is good, It's all genocide, conservative stuff, or lies. So why would I want someone who is working towards 0% of what I want?

  • Zuberi 👀
    3 months ago

    I saw this exact comment and almost engaged.

    I was so irrationally angry that I knew I would have no semblance of poise.

    Biden is going to lose. We're (you're) going to be stuck with the orange.

      3 months ago

      Honestly, I engage because it allows me to vent the sadism that the past eight years has instilled in me in ways that won't be toxic to anyone worth missing. They're just settlers.