Paul Cockshott thinks this one is a real banger

Crazy that there’s a non zero amount of these idiots, cpgb ml not even once 🤮

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This is so fucking stupid.

    "Oh, liberals say they want women in the workplace? Then we as communists should be opposed to that! Women should stay in the kitchen!"

    "This liberal wants to raise the minimum wage? Then we'll lower it! You should be happy if you get 1$/hour!"

    "Liberals claim to want to help the poor? Well fuck the poor then! Let them starve, this is what Marx would have wanted!"

    Reddit-tier contrarians pretending to be radicals.

    • invo_rt [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Reminding me of the student debt forgiveness """discourse""".

      • Activists make student loan debt cancellation and college affordability an issue.

      • Libs: "No you can't do that it would be too revolutionary. Things must be done incrementally."

      • Years later, finally, some very incremental change on the table.

      • Libs, same: "This plan doesn't go far enough! It's not doing anything to address the actual issue."

      It's almost like they're dishonest :harold-manic: