They've got the vibe right, which is all that matters to me. Feels like middle earth.

I'm a casual in the lore, I have the silmarillion but i use it to just look up shit in the movies while theyre namedropping stuff i dont know the context of. So I can't really vouch for how well they've kept everything intact, but it seems solid from my light knowledge.

But, yeah, it's got the vibe and if you like the way middle earth feels then I recommend the show.

Was not expecting to like it, but here we are

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I have noticed that the intro...leaves quite a bit out (since I don't think they have Silmarillion rights). It's a bit "And then Morgoth was bad and Feanor and the elves heroically sailed to Middle Earth to kick his ass and there is not a bit of moral quandary there whatsoever."

    Where'd you get all the boats in that short shot Galadriel? Where'd you get them?