I only just started, but for all my previous hesitation, so far I'm fairly pleased. It isn't comparable with the original movie trilogy, but as a show it's entertaining and hasn't put me off yet.

Some people asked if I had watched it before, and now I have, somewhat. Galadriel's characterization (and both actresses playing her) have carried the role well. It's nice to have a story where not everyone left alive is a smirking sociopath, but that's just my subjective preference there.

It may yet disappoint me, but so far so good. The halfling predecessors were my favorite worldbuilding feature so far.

  • captcha [any]
    2 years ago

    Its certainly pretty. Plenty of effort was put in costumes and set pieces. But after two hour long episodes there's really no reason for me to keep watching beyond just wanting to see more new lotr. Its like mandalorian (sans :baby yoda:) or any of the star wars spin offs. Maybe house of dragons will be the exact same but have a hook in the first ep.