The law includes a provision that requires the DPRK’s military to automatically execute nuclear strikes against enemy forces if its leadership comes under attack.

“The purpose of the United States is not only to remove our nuclear might itself, but eventually forcing us to surrender or weaken our rights to self-defense through giving up our nukes, so that they could collapse our government at any time,” Kim Jong Un said in the speech published by the DPRK’s official Korean Central News Agency.

AP article is extremely salty about this:

  • blobjim [he/him]
    2 years ago

    lol the propaganda in the article about them starting COVID-19 vaccination. So ridiculous

    He didn’t specify how many doses it would have, where they would come from, or how they would be administered across his population of 26 million people.

    Uhhhh... China? And 26 million people is not that many, and it's not hard to distribute a vaccine. Such lame wording. Salty is a fantastic way to describe it.

    Kim last month declared victory over COVID-19 and ordered preventive measures eased just three months after his government for the first time acknowledged an outbreak. Experts believe the North’s disclosures on its outbreak are manipulated to help Kim maintain absolute control.

    I don't think I've seen a sentence so heavy handed in my entire life.

    The entire article is like being hit over the head with a hammer 20 times a minute.

    Can't even find any info about the author. Other than his twitter account saying he's in Seoul.

  • wombat [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Korea from the genocidal American empire

  • JucheGang [any]
    2 years ago

    Angry Yankee Bastard Yelling:

    SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un stressed his country will never abandon the nuclear weapons it needs to counter the United States, which he accused of pushing to weaken the North’s defenses and eventually collapse his government, state media said Friday.

    Kim made the comments during a speech Thursday at North Korea’s rubber-stamp parliament, where members passed legislation governing the use of nuclear weapons, which Kim described as a step to cement the country’s nuclear status and make clear such weapons will not be bargained. The law included a provision that requires North Korea’s military to “automatically” execute nuclear strikes against enemy forces if its leadership comes under attack.

    Kim also criticized South Korea over its plans to expand its conventional strike capabilities and revive large-scale military exercises with the United States to counter the North’s growing threats, describing them as a “dangerous” military action that raises tensions.

    Kim has made increasingly provocative threats of nuclear conflict toward the United States and its allies in Asia, also warning that the North would proactively use its nuclear weapons when threatened. His latest comments underscored the growing animosity in the region as he accelerates the expansion of his nuclear weapons and missiles program.

    “The purpose of the United States is not only to remove our nuclear might itself, but eventually forcing us to surrender or weaken our rights to self-defense through giving up our nukes, so that they could collapse our government at any time,” Kim said in the speech published by the North’s official Korean Central News Agency.

    “Let them sanction us for 100 days, 1,000 days, 10 years or 100 years,” Kim said. “We will never give up our rights to self-defense that preserves our country’s existence and the safety of our people just to temporarily ease the difficulties we are experiencing now.”

    Kim also addressed domestic issues, saying North Korea would begin its long-delayed rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in November. He didn’t specify how many doses it would have, where they would come from, or how they would be administered across his population of 26 million people.

    GAVI, the nonprofit that runs the U.N.-backed COVAX distribution program, said in June it understood North Korea had accepted an offer of vaccines from China. GAVI said at the time the specifics of the offer were unclear.

    North Korea rejected previous offers by COVAX, likely because of international monitoring requirements, and has also ignored U.S. and South Korean offers of vaccines and other COVID-19 aid.

    Kim last month declared victory over COVID-19 and ordered preventive measures eased just three months after his government for the first time acknowledged an outbreak. Experts believe the North’s disclosures on its outbreak are manipulated to help Kim maintain absolute control.

    The North Korean report about Kim’s speech came a day after South Korea extended its latest olive branch, proposing a meeting with North Korea to resume temporary reunions of aging relatives separated by the 1950-53 Korean War, which were last held in 2018.

    Experts say it’s highly unlikely North Korea would accept the South’s offer considering the stark deterioration in inter-Korean ties amid the stalemate in larger nuclear talks between Washington and Pyongyang. The U.S.-North Korean diplomacy derailed in 2019 over disagreements in exchanging the release of crippling sanctions against the North and the North’s denuclearization steps.

    Kim was combative toward South Korea in Thursday’s speech and urged the country to speed up the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons to strengthen the country’s war deterrent. Those comments appeared to align with a ruling party decision in June to approve unspecified new operational duties for front-line troops, which analysts say likely include plans to deploy deploy battlefield nuclear weapons targeting rival South Korea along their tense border.

    North Korea has been speeding its development of nuclear-capable, short-range missiles that can target South Korea since 2019. Experts say its rhetoric around those missiles communicates a threat to proactively use them in warfare to blunt the stronger conventional forces of South Korea and the United States. About 28,500 U.S. troops are stationed in the South to deter aggression from the North.

    The U.S.-led diplomatic push to defuse the nuclear standoff has been further complicated by an intensifying U.S.-China rivalry and Russia’s war on Ukraine, which deepened the divide in the U.N. Security Council, where Beijing and Moscow have blocked U.S. efforts to tighten sanctions on Pyongyang over its revived long-range missile tests this year.

    Kim has dialed up weapons tests to a record pace in 2020, launching more than 30 ballistic weapons, including the first demonstrations of his intercontinental ballistic missiles since 2017.

    U.S. and South Korean officials say Kim may up the ante soon by ordering the North’s first nuclear test in five years as he pushes a brinkmanship aimed at forcing Washington to accept the idea of the North as a nuclear power and negotiating concessions from a position of strength.

    Experts say Kim is also trying to strengthen his leverage by strengthening his cooperation with China and Russia in an emerging partnership aimed at undercutting U.S. influence.

    North Korea has repeatedly blamed the United States for the crisis in Ukraine, saying the West’s “hegemonic policy” justified Russian military actions in Ukraine to protect itself. U.S. officials said this week the Russians are in the process of purchasing North Korean ammunition, including artillery shells and rockets, to ease their supply shortages in the war against Ukraine.

    North Korea also has joined Russia and Syria as the only nations to recognize the independence of two pro-Russia breakaway territories in eastern Ukraine and has discussed send its construction workers to those regions to work on rebuilding.

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      2 years ago

      “Let them sanction us for 100 days, 1,000 days, 10 years or 100 years,” Kim said. “We will never give up our rights to self-defense that preserves our country’s existence and the safety of our people

      This is so incredibly mild compared to how most Americans would react should some other nation similarly threaten our sovereignty.

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Remember when Trump threatened them with “Fire and fury the world has never seen” in response to basically nothing? And half of Americans went “Yeah go Trump” and the other half went “That seems a bit excessive but at least he’s standing up to Kim!”

        • star_wraith [he/him]
          2 years ago

          And the libs focused on "Trump is unhinged" and not "hey maybe one person shouldn't be allowed to have absolute control over the country's nukes? Like, why can't we insist that congress authorize their use or something like that?"

    • JucheGang [any]
      2 years ago

      Source Of Angry Yankee Yelling:

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    2 years ago

    :kim-drip: We've got nukes. Leave us alone.

    :porky-scared-flipped: He's threatening us! He's threatening us!

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      2 years ago

      He’s threatening us! He’s threatening us!

      Says the only country that's ever used nukes on people, the only country that maintains the right to first strike capability, and the country that talks about using them the moment someone who they are fighting decides to actually fight back (see: Vietnam and North Korea in their respective wars against the US).

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    US literally has been doing rehearsals for a plan to blitzkrieg the DPRK leadership lol, this is such an obvious direct response to provocations but that isnt included in imperialist media for obvious reasons.

    • robinn [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      It's more than that. The joint rehearsals performed annually by the US and the ROK (the ROK armed forces would be under the complete control of the US in an actual attack like this) force the DPRK to move their troops to stop an invasion (200,000 troops altogether on the US side). It's likely if there was no pushback a full invasion might occur. This puts strain on their economy (south economy good north economy bad bullshit is ridiculous when you realize the sanctions the DPRK is put under), causing more misery. Then the UN or some other power makes a paper on how the DPRK can't feed its people. The DPRK, to stop this, develops nuclear weapons, which can deter a full scale invasion without putting as much strain on their economy, allowing them to keep their people fed. The US and the UN in response throw a fit about the DPRK legally having nuclear weapons. It's a lose-lose, and if the brain worm infested Amerikan populous thought about it for a second they would realize that.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    A nuclear deterrent against a coups or colour revolution is something that's never existed before right? I wonder how that would play out in practice in the midst of an actual coup or rev.

  • Kanna [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Hell yeah :kim-drip-too-hard: :juche-WPK: