currently being yelled at for "denying genocide" 🙃

  • BlueMagaChud [any]
    4 years ago

    Really, no evidence? How about some very western sources. Repressing religious reactionaries is the job of communists and must be done to prevent them from instituting a dictatorship of first estate bourgeoisie. Beijing is obligated to take the mass line in Xianjiang and use it to improve the lives of those living there as well as defend the dictatorship of the proletariat against the depredation of bourgeois fifth columnists since the territory was liberated from the KMT in 1949. Are you saying that anti-imperialism is allowing separatist movements to balkanize into nations too weak to defend against imperialist depredation? Should Tibet be "freed" so that it's old national bourgeoisie can reinstate feudal slavery?