Imagine having the cojones to not only pay thousands of dollars for custom decals, but have them be weeb pin-up art, AND drive it to around to your workplace... AND HAVE THE FUCKING DECALS BE OF MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS IN SWIMSUITS bruh.

:libertarian-approaching: but it's weebs. In other words just plain :libertarian-approaching: lmao

  • geikei [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Late but Anno is a massive Otaku and likes fanservice, waifus and horny shots. One of the themes of Eva being "Please for the love of god go outside a bit more and dont fall THAT deep into escapism" doesnt mean Anno disaproves of escapism, his waifus or has issues with sexualization of his and other characters , even minors. Anno hating otaku and end of eva being an attack on them and a deconstruction of they psyche or character sexualization and waifu culture or whatever in anime is pretty much a western online modern reading sadly even if it would be cool if it was true. Any look at anno's history as a creator or anime fan and his actual words points away from the idea that he is against waifu culture, underage sexualization of his or any characters and otaku-isms (only their utter most antisocial expressions ) .