• GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    3 months ago

    Paramount should really just let me handle Star Trek. Keep Ld and SNW going, they've got momentum still, blast it up to 15 episodes person season for SNW and 20 for LD, LD keeps a similar per episode budget where SNW has to do 15 upsides on the same budget they were doing 10, this way they can't all be blowouts and they gotta do a few smaller episodes and the big ones were too big anyway. Next imma get me Ronald D Moore and do an anthology about the dominion war in a Ken Burns Civil War meets The Clone Wars TV show kinda thing. I've got a half cooked idea with the temporary bad name of Star Trek gamma where it's been found the dominion has disappeared entirely and without explanation and a ship is sent to the gamma quadrant to investigate while some space bullshit like tachyon or whatever are being emitted from the wormhole causing warp core explosions at random or whatever, a bad deal for everyone and Star fleet has most of the galaxy on the side of destroying the wormhole and Bajor which has become a giant power within the federation capable of succeeding to the federations loss being pretty defensive of it and they do have people on the other side still. Space politcs on one end and a stranded-ish ship exploring a big mystery in unknown space on the other. It could also be called Voyager but Good Now.