There really needs to be some solid communist dating advice for these young men, other than "just be yourself" and "be a good person" kind of stuff. Like real, concrete steps on how a guy can be diverted from the incel/pua/tate path. Tbh a lot of the pua advice is common sense stuff (try to groom yourself well, don't be afraid to put yourself out there, etc.).

I remember there were some good comments in a thread somewhere here (I'm pretty sure it was on c/menby but I can't seem to find it)

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    You'd have to get em while they're still salvageable. There's a threshold where they're gonna pop off with some "I'm not dying for the state so my children can make sure Chad's harem is well preserved with state betabux" where there's not much you can do. Mix in some racism and then I couldn't imagine getting them to sit down and read Capital.

    Every foothold you'd try to get where you'd try to divert traffic away from PUA and the flavor of the month (e.g. Tate) would be red meat for people telling you that you're already attractive the same way you'd be ready and defensive whenever somebody whose parents helped them escape student debt tells you how to budget. My knee jerk is to take the piss and make content that looks like a duck, walks like a duck, but sprinkles in some Marxism so that they have to have a Zuko moment before they go full :frothingfash: and there's a chance they get righteous fury instead of punching down.

    It's hard though. I think you need a left party before you get to reach out and have a big tent. It's so much easier to have a community center to invite people to, get them to go to a social event that's not a meat market with loud techno, get buddy buddy with them, and invite them to a menby club where they can talk. If we're their favorite place to be outside the internet, then they'll soften up real quickly. "Yeah, I thought all women were this way, but anonette at the hexbear memorial community center always laughs at the same memes as me." But then you have to think, for every cent you could be spending helping these people with things that make them feel bad, why aren't you helping people in other countries fight back against... whatever random country is violently oppressing them? How well is your community center going to rehabilitate incels alongside helping LGBT/BIPOC with their material deficiencies? For every bit loneliness hurts the feefees, hunger hurts others a hell of a lot worse. And for every time you recognize that and tell a fence-sitting would-be Tate fan to go help themselves, Tate is right there ready to tell them how they can help themselves.

    You'd need infrastructure. I don't feel like leftist dating advice tik toks are ever going to outcompete the well-established, piss and vinegar soaked right wing complex ready to predate on lonely men at a cost effective basis. If you don't show them 1080p footage of a how to get pussy AND THEN explain how to do it more effectively because you're a leftist, they probably won't care. They didn't search for the video because they wanted their perspective changed.