The Moral Decay of the American State The numbers are stark and undeniable — a damning indictment of the moral and institutional rot at the heart of the American political system. In 1958, a full 73% of Americans expressed trust in their government to “do what’s right”. Today, that figure has plummeted to a mere 20%
And yet of those 80% who don't trust their government to do what's right, probably like 95% of them will use every single breath they have to defend that government and say "but it's the best thing we've got! We can't possibly do anything else! We just have to trust the system even if the government within that system is failing!"
"It's not a democracy it's a republic" all while seeing things go to shit and being powerless to stop it so you smugly cite "the rulebook" to explain why nothing can be better.
I fucking hate this country.