Lost my friend to Nazism. His personhood is going to be completely erased so he's dead to me. It's as if he committed suicide. I've been heavily grieving for years.
Lost my friend to Nazism. His personhood is going to be completely erased so he's dead to me. It's as if he committed suicide. I've been heavily grieving for years.
My favorite quote is "The light at the end of the tunnel isn't an illusion. The tunnel is." - Rumi
Tunnel vision fucks up our perspective of our current situation. Idk if you need to hear this, but I want to remind you that there's always so much to live for and relationships to have. Glad you're still around.
My favorite quote about a light at the end of the tunnel is from :zizek: because it makes me laugh
:zizek-joy: "Of course there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That's the train rushing towards us."