We will respect the state in AES countries. Lick those fucking boots.

  • pooh [she/her, any]
    5 months ago

    My personal experience with Chinese police is that they are very friendly and helpful, especially to clueless foreigners. I generally didn't see them much except for in areas where people gather and they didn't seem like a threatening presence at all. Also, I don't think I recall any of them being armed with firearms, though obviously I'm sure they have them.

    Surveillance is much more obvious there (as opposed to hidden mass surveillance in the US), as public CCTV cameras were fairly common, but it was also probably the safest place I've ever been to. Wasn't unusual to see young kids running around without parents at night in a city of 14 million people, which was kinda crazy to me. In fact, I once encountered 2 kids at a park who had a grocery bag full of Red Bull cans, and they gave me one as a gift:


    EDIT: Also at that same park they had a monument to students murdered by the KMT at the end of their civil war, which was interesting:


    And a couple of pics of some rad communist propaganda I saw nearby:



    • ashinadash [she/her]
      5 months ago

      In red china children are nice instead of little bastards?? Socialism makes kids friendly instead???

  • Walk_On [he/him]
    5 months ago

    For instance, the behavior of the police in China was a revelation to me, They are there to protect and help the people, not to oppress them. Their courtesy was genuine; no division or suspicion exists between them and the citizens. This impressed me so much that when I returned to the United States and was met by the Tactical Squad at the San Francisco airport (they had been called out because nearly a thousand people came to the airport to welcome us back), it was brought home to me all over again that the police in our country are an occupying, repressive force. I pointed this out to a customs officer in San Francisco, a Black man, who was armed, explaining to him that I felt intimidated seeing all the guns around. I had just left a country, I told him, where the army and the police are not in opposition to the people but are their servants.

    -Huey Newton

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Your last post accused people here of supporting policies to lock up mentally ill people for some reason and now this lol. You need to learn how to integrate before being annoying and getting banned

  • SSJ2Marx
    5 months ago

    There was a strike among workers in a Chinese factory over unpaid wages where they took their boss hostage. When the police arrived, they determined that it wasn't their problem, and told the management that they should probably pay the back wages.

      • SSJ2Marx
        5 months ago

        Here's an NPR article on one specific case, although it notes that this sort of thing apparently happens often. The relevant paragraph about the Chinese police:

        The AP notes that "it is not rare in China for managers to be held by workers demanding back pay or other benefits, often from their Chinese owners. Police are reluctant to intervene, as they consider it a business dispute."

        Admittedly my memory did a little editorializing here, but I think it's safe to say that Americops would respond very differently.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          5 months ago

          Police should intervene on behalf of the workers.

          In a capitalist state the police would intervene on behalf of the bourgeoisie. If we're applying the dotp correctly we should go the whole hog. The script should be fully flipped. Non-intervention is not enough.

          • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
            5 months ago

            To be fair this is part of the Dengist strategy of economic growth, which is to instead embrace entrepeneurs and "kulaks", etc, instead of denying them a role in society. Non-intervention is as good as they can get without clearly playing favorites to the economic classes, otherwise there could be a cascading effect that would upturn the economic order and make these bosses wanna skip town before their stuff gets nationalized.

  • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Yeah dude, this is actually how the world works, things are this black and white and you've shown me the hypocrisy of my beliefs. The left should never govern because that will be authoritarian :( sorry hundreds of millions who've had their living standards raised by socialism

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    5 months ago

    smoking blunts with my neighborhood communist cop and giving him tips on how to catch bourgeois infiltrators cool-bean

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    5 months ago

    "The tree of Hexbear must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of trolls and shitposts"

    — TC69, probably

  • Egon
    1 month ago

    deleted by creator