I get that there was a legitimate case for physician assisted suicide, but it's insane how quickly Canada is using it to recreate the mass slaughter of the disabled under the Nazi's.
I was genuinely pro physician assisted suicide until I saw shit play out in Canada
yeah being pro right to die seemed like a no brainer leftist take and now i don't fucking know. in socialism or communism abso fucking lutely but if this is how it's going to play out under capitalism i might be against it wholesale
I'm against the state criminalizing suicide, but I'm even more against the state enabling suicide. capitalism rests on the fiction that we willingly chose the cruelty and indignity that the system enacts upon us. when this is extended to death, it just becomes another method for culling social chaff.
Counterpoint: "I've got opinions and stuff" is not a valid reason to force people who live in immense suffering to continue to suffer without recourse.
weird excuse to let capitalists kill people. But I guess it's just my opinion that preventable mass murder of the poor and disabled is a bad thing.
Yeah tbh I didn't think liberal states would be so deranged as to actively coerce people into it but here we are.
we can still be pro that stuff, the problem is liberals. Not even capitalism this time, you could do welfare capitalism and not have this issue, but somehow the canadians are electing to be nazis aboot it.
we can still be pro that stuff, the problem is liberals.
I would say that you should not.
I think that the assumption of absolutist personal autonomy as an unalloyed, or unambiguous good in all circumstances is an extremely shortsighted & entirely unwarranted proposition; which is only as prominent as it is in socialist discourses because it's the main way in which the struggle for LGBTQ & Women's rights tend to be articulated (because that's how they have to articulate themselves in order to gain traction within "Western Liberal" society). I don't know that it has actually good outcomes when you try to expand it beyond those specific domains, tbh.
Not even capitalism this time, you could do welfare capitalism and not have this issue, but somehow the canadians are electing to be nazis aboot it.
What was the thing about "Social Democracy" again? :thinkin-lenin:
i ain't dying a slow and painful death due to Alzheimer's
I would say that you should not.
fuck you if i don't want to live anymore i shouldn't be forced to, and I shouldn't be forced to take a painful way out, or a messy one that would traumatize whoever found my corpse.
Appropriate, given their fondness for Nazis and all those fucking statues they have celebrating them.
Person 1: Hi, could you provide basic disability accommodations which are standard throughout the world?
Person 2: Please die.
What the fuck is happening lmao
🙋♀️Hi, I'd like a status report on my file?
🇨🇦 That sounds like a lot of work for us. Have you considered death as an option?
Legitimately. I was being hyperbolic when I started comparing it to Aktion T4, but now I'm just wondering when the first kids will be murdered
at least four other veterans were offered the same thing.
Maybe communists have infiltrated the government and are carrying out phase 2 of the Belden program.
me infiltrating the US army offices and offering assisted suicide to every troop
wage slaves can get a way out.
Treating suicide as a good way out of wage slavery is malthusian
We're worth more than that, comrade. By no means do I want to say that suicide victims are to blame for their fate, because they're not.
The point I want to stress is that capitalist media has a vested interest in, as well as a consistent record of trying to blame common people for just existing. We're inconvenient to the parasites, and they want us to blame ourselves and each other for having needs.
As I see it, this is an attempt to make genocide and class warfare "more humane"
I didn't want to believe the Catholic Church in Canada when they said Canada would immediately do this, but it seems they had the Protestant work ethic morality pegged.
uh...look under no circumstances do you "have to hand it to them".
It is obvious from this anecdote that all healthcare in Canada must be privatized, including healthcare for veterans. I can think of no other remedy for the situation.