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  • Aliveelectricwire [it/its]
    2 years ago

    My dad is a pig. And a lifelong democrat/lib voter and I'm part of the 40% of pig households. At least it showed me at a young age the mask off that liberals are.

    • Grownbravy [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I think it’s always meant that when white people used it since the 80s ever

  • BeanBoy [she/her]
    2 years ago

    One extremely sad, gun-related crime in my neighborhood brought out the worst pro-cop, anti-black garbage from my neighbors who still have Biden/Harris signs up. Nothing about supporting the victim’s family, let alone systemic issues. Just we need more cops and less of “those people.”

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      My uncle is like this, he's the only liberal in my entire family. There was one gun related crime near him, cops were called and engaged in a shoot-out. Well, my uncle now has a new motto about how there should be more cops, but they should "shoot for the legs." Because he still regards himself as some socially progressive liberal.

      Every time I visit him he's convinced I'm extremely right wing because I tell him his democratic politicians of choice (He likes Joe Kennedy III and Beto O'Rourke) are absolute losers. I'll tell him I'm a commie and he just laughs and says "me too."

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Well, my uncle now has a new motto about how there should be more cops, but they should “shoot for the legs.”

        Is your uncle Joe Biden

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I'm often the first commie that liberals have ever met. I have one coworker a few years back who called himself an "acolyte of Gandhi," called himself basically liberal, and that he believed in a wishy-washy happy global peace. Over the course of the next year, he became an outspoken fascist. He would tell me there need to be machine gun nests placed at America's land borders. He started giving money to Republican candidates. He even showed up to a drag queen event at a library with a gun. He became absolutely deranged and he placed the blame squarely on me.

    I have a feeling something else was going on, but he did say a few times that he never seriously considered the stuff I was talking about, like how there's structurally enforced poverty, how America endorses white supremacy. He'd never considered that stuff before and the moment he did, he dipped instantly into blood and soil fascism. He's not even American. He's from Bolivia.

    I know several other people like that, just basic encounters of people who'd never considered social/political questions and the second they do, they gravitate towards outright fascism out of instinct, despite believing they're normal.

    I've also known two moderate centrist lib types who have become steel-eyed Catholic fundamentalists in the past few years. The very odd kind who want complete Catholic sovereignty over Earth and believe Pope Francis is a clone or antipope or whatever the hell. I can't keep up with their frantically changing conspiracy theories. I also can't keep up with how much they try stepping on eggshells when talking to me, like they'll say shit like "Technically, homosexual attraction isn't a sin. I don't hate gay people. In fact, I believe John the Baptist had homosexual attraction." It's ludicrous how they try to have their cake and eat it too, they try to hold onto their normal approachable liberal selves and their deranged theocratic beliefs. Everything's a technicality with them or some kind of major attack against them. One of these people is gay too, so I have no idea how she's squaring that.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      He’s not even American. He’s from Bolivia.

      Ah, you met an average white latam

    • MF_BROOM [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Incredible how fast libs turned to eugenics as soon as Trump is no longer in office.

      It's also coming from some people who identify as being on the left, too. :doomjak:

    • FlintstoneSpiceLatte [they/them]
      2 years ago

      "You'll be fine if you are young and healthy"

      The mass disabling event says otherwise, way to stick people with permanent issues that will haunt them for the rest of their lives because some people joined the anti-vaxxer crowd now that it's hip to be anti-vaxx.

  • stevaloo [they/them, she/her]
    2 years ago

    The one I lived with was mixed and believed apartheid to be a legit solution to racism. I'm sure being white passing had nothing to do with that take :amogus:

  • JuneFall [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Was pro ecology, wants to fight climate change, also finds borders fine, thinks that prisoners should be forced to pay for their stay and be forced to work. Was against violence against fascists since violence is the police's job. Was fine with police using violence against climate protesters (and thinks jailing them is fine).

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I met up with one of my friends from school a while ago. He used to be pretty uninterested in politics, one time he said Kamala Harris seeemed alright when we were talking about American politics.

    So I mentioned that I had trouble finding a job to him, and he started talking about how it's easier to get a job if you're not white or a man or cis, and white men are being left behind. Which was a bizarre take, because a) we're from a shitty conservative town in rural Ireland and b) he's gay.

  • duderium [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Everyone I know is still a liberal, but they lost interest in discussing politics the instant Biden won the election. If I bring up anything even remotely political now (masks for instance) they just immediately stop talking or change the subject. They seem to know that Biden and the Democrats suck but still believe that Trump is worse and that communism is bad because the corporate media said so.

    These people are still liberals because they basically support everyone’s right to compete in the free market regardless of their background and think that the poors should get assistance if they want. When it comes to international affairs they are probably generally in favor of peace (although in their minds Russia is 1000% to blame for the Ukraine War and China is bad).

    Fascists, on the other hand, believe that many different groups of people should just be exterminated and that war should be permanent in order to separate the weak from the strong. As capitalism collapses it becomes increasingly difficult to tell liberals apart from fascists but I do think there’s a difference. I won’t defend liberals if anyone wants to debate this because fuck liberals and fascists, but still.

  • FlintstoneSpiceLatte [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I am an introvert and I live in the boonies so I know almost no one outside my immediate family, so the best I can do is online.

    As for online, I have noticed a phenomenon of "Liberal NIMBYs" and San Francisco is full of them. Basically they are elitist douchebags who laugh at people like me who live in the boonies. They claim to be enlightened geniuses just because they were lucky enough to live in a "tolerant" (or at least as tolerant as it gets in the Anglosphere) city. However, whenever one of us dumb dumb rednecks wants to live in their superior cities, they get angry and demand we stay in the boonies because otherwise that is gentrification. Because of this, they will do ANYTHING in their power to try to bar any new housing or public transit or bike lanes from being build, because it might bring in some of us dumb, stupid, unenlightened rednecks. It's just "white trash" but woke.

    This may strike one as unscratched lib. However, they say that as if they are innocent in gentrification themselves, let alone care about the effects of their actions. Blocking new housing quashes supply despite the uptick in demand. This leads to home prices increasing as well (which is what they want, they really only care about their property values). You point to all the homelessness this NIMBYism causes, and then they will either claim that it's the fault of Cletus moving in wanting to either persecution for being Jewish or escape poverty by moving somewhere where there are ACTUAL jobs that pay semi-decently. Other times, they will go full eugenic and want to throw all the homeless in jail. They are also weirdly pro-suburb in a way. They see suburbs and rural America as "white trash" containment zones and think that suburbs are good despite how horribly unsustainable they are. They will say that all the white liberals should stay in red state small towns and change CHUD's minds...but I never see them volunteering to move to the boonies, and no, Austin Texas does NOT count.

    I know that "liberal NIMBYs" aren't nearly as bad as some of the other examples, but they have been getting on my nerves for quite a while, especially as I am planning my move-out of my small town.

      • FlintstoneSpiceLatte [they/them]
        2 years ago

        That just led me to a horrifying realization :what-the-hell:

        Classism is so fucking normalized, so unquestionable as a type of prejudice that I described liberals being hypocritical classists as "unscratched lib" rather than CHUDdery proper.

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]A
    2 years ago

    I remember investigating Caleb Cain (Faraday Speaks) back when he just broke into breadtube with his whole "I escaped the alt-right pipeline" grift and generally poking around and examining the crowds he was attracting.

    One of the people I remember interviewing was this real space cadet shitlib that had liberalsocialist level "irritating hot takes posed as serious questions". I remember them constantly asking what's wrong with letting white people have white people only communities. Like normally you'd tell when a fash is pulling your leg with those kinds of JAQ-ass questions but this person was a flat out well-meaning lib that constantly got upset and cried when you tell them why they're wrong and why they constantly get called a fascist.

    Back then I didn't pull my punches and that person eventually had me and a few other anarchists and communists who constantly tore holes in their shitlib and fashy takes come into a private discussion and had one final all-out shit-flinging fest where they unironically dropped the 14 words without knowing it during a section on race mixing and then deleted their account after having it pointed out they literally did the nazi 14 words bit.

    The worse part is to this day I still think they were unironically just really confused all the time and not some fashy doing a bit like Caleb Cain.

    • UlyssesT
      1 month ago

      deleted by creator

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]A
        2 years ago

        Oh they weren't even that kind of annoying smug shit-eater grinner type. Imagine arguing with a real curmudgeonly mee-maw type that just can't comprehend every single thing she likes is fascistic but insists she's not and hates fascists but gets incredibly mad when you point out there's similarities between her beliefs and fascist beliefs

    • jkfjfhkdfgdfb [she/her]
      2 years ago

      they unironically dropped the 14 words without knowing it during a section on race mixing and then deleted their account after having it pointed out they literally did the nazi 14 words bit.


  • Bobson_Dugnutt [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I live in a mostly blue state, and lots of liberals here will write off all the red states as irredeemable, especially the South. They'll fantasize about violence or COVID killing "rednecks," as if everyone in the South is a bigoted white man who voted for Trump twice.