The Harry Potter books, and the universe they spawned, are beloved by millions. It’s so unfortunate, then, that the franchise’s creator, author J.K. Rowling, has repeatedly proven herself to be the worst kind of anti-transgender bigot. That bigotry is in the spotlight once again as the big-ticket Harry Potter game Hogwarts Legacy is due out soon. It’s also likely why the popular left-leaning subreddit r/GamingCircleJerk basically just exploded in anti-Hogwarts Legacy sentiment.

As its name suggests, r/GamingCircleJerk is a “circlejerk” subreddit meant to be a tongue-in-cheek riff on r/Gaming. Most posts are jokes, but the occasional “unjerk” posts are sincere, as was the case last Wednesday when moderator GrizzlyPeak72 posted a photo of Rowling and the game’s cover along with the text, “A friendly reminder from your modteam that this woman is a TERF and anyone who pledges to support her monetarily is also a transphobe.” That post alone elicited over 3,700 comments, and it was just the start.

“TERF,” of course, is the abbreviation for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist,” which refers to self-identified feminists who, when you get down to it, more or less oppose trans people’s right to exist in society. Rowling’s history of transphobic comments can be easily researched online, and I won’t repeat them here. Suffice it to say it’s not a stretch to describe her as a TERF.

Discussion of the post and the wider mentality underlying it spread through Reddit and across social media. Some voices protested, claiming that supporting Hogwarts Legacy didn’t mean supporting Rowling’s beliefs. Others said it does, in fact, as buying the game supports the bigoted author monetarily. Some commenters brought up the questionable parts of the Potter canon itself. And yet others, somehow, seem to still believe Rowling isn’t a TERF at all despite her openly repeating TERF ideology.

:wojak-nooo: people need to stop behaving like buying hogwarts legacy and being anti-trans rights are synonymous with one another. i just want to relive my beloved childhood memories and not everything has to be a huge political or moral statement :wojak-nooo:

Many members of the GamingCircleJerk subreddit have shown support for mod GrizzlyPeak72’s initial post, in both joking and serious ways, which is unsurprising as the group often mocks the closed-minded anti-gay, anti-women, anti-trans views that unfortunately still proliferate in gaming communities. GrizzlyPeak72, who posted the initial “unjerk,” said more than 1,000 transphobes have been banned from the subreddit since their post last week. There are also plenty of people who have said they still plan to play the game after pirating it. And even some in the Harry Potter subreddit have expressed concerns about the game, both because of its content and the creator’s views.

But ultimately this is well-trod ground, as grief over Rowling’s worldview stretches back to the original books themselves. There has long been criticism of the series’ stereotypical portrayals of non-white characters (when they exist at all), its messy allegories for racial and social injustice, and its arguably racist and antisemitic depictions of house elves and goblins.

In the Harry Potter canon, the goblins repeatedly rebel because they face discrimination. Unfortunately for would-be defenders of Hogwarts Legacy, the plot description for the open-world action RPG game as we know it so far involves your character quelling a goblin rebellion that is aligned with dark wizards, which raises the possibility that you’ll effectively be filling the role of a magical cop, keeping down those who are fighting for a more just and equitable society. It’s also concerning that the former lead designer of Hogwarts Legacy was an alt-right Gamergate troll.

:sus-soviet: About Hogwarts Legacy: I'm gonna gloss over the JK Rowling thing real quick. Why would you want to play a videogame about extinguishing a rebellion of oppressed people? The entire game is a right wing talking point. You're a fascist in the game. :sus-soviet:

Combined, the entire Harry Potter franchise is being reexamined as people reckon with the idea that maybe one of their childhood favorites isn’t as great as they remember and struggle to determine whether they can separate the art from the artist, especially one who continues to profit handsomely from said art.

Hogwarts Legacy tells players, “Your legacy is what you make of it.” That’s probably the best thing to keep in mind when weighing whether or not to pick up the game.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The moral dilemma of whether you use lethal or less than lethal magic weapons to put down those uppity scheming goblins. :scared-fash:

    • FlintstoneSpiceLatte [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I've joked about it before and I will say it again, it is only a matter of time before Harry Potter is retold with Voldemort being a good guy that mentors Harry with Draco as Harry's best friend and then they annihilate all muggle-borns in one book and then they live forever as a trio of gods, the end.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        That isn't that far off from millionaire cult leader Big Yud's "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality."

        • SovietyWoomy [any]
          2 years ago

          In that, Harry tries to redeem Malfoy and builds a friendship with him by treating science as a dark art. He then gets Malfoy to use science to prove racism is bullshit. After struggling with his core belief being proven wrong, Malfoy eventually reaches out to save Hermiione after she falls off a roof even though he knows she would be fine because magic. He's deeply ashamed of doing so because he still hasn't completely overcome the prejudices he was raised with, but he's making tangible progress towards doing so.

          The Methods of Rationality Sorcerer's Stone is capable of infinitely healing people and restoring them to the prime of their youth. Instead of defending the status quo, Harry denounces the previous holders of the stone as more evil than Voldemort for hoarding magical healthcare, opens a free hospital, and sends his allies out to bring back the sick and elderly for free healing.

          It's a low bar and I might be memory holing something problematic, but Methods of Rationality is better than the source material.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            but Methods of Rationality is better than the source material.

            That can be argued in some ways, but you're leaving out the blatant misogyny and "dare ye enter my magical realm" creeping from Big Yud, such as the sex zombie parts where Hermione is turned into a mindless obedient waifu while technically dead, which is a big part of Big Yud's fetish for mind control, as he often does in real life with drugging and "you only exist as a figment of my imagination" mantras whispered to drugged guests in his cult compounds.


            There's also, among many other horrid things, the paperclip maximizing ending that gives :no-mouth-must-scream: a run for its money while solving none of the contradictions of the ideology, where the bazinga god himself looks up to the stars and sees nothing but more raw materials for bazinga capitalism.

            • AcidSmiley [she/her]
              2 years ago

              Hermione is turned into a mindless obedient waifu while technically dead


              which is a big part of Big Yud’s fetish for mind control, as he often does in real life with drugging and “you only exist as a figment of my imagination” mantras whispered to drugged guests in his cult compounds.

              btw :my-hero: said that to Grimes almost verbatim while they were still dating. He just added that his imagination made up the perfect woman so she somehow deluded herself into believing that creepy sexpest shit was a compliment

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                2 years ago

                What bleak and empty people rule over us that can only see as far as their own dull imaginations, finding it impossible to conceive that other people exist outside of their own limitations. :desolate:

      • SeizeDameans [she/her,any]
        2 years ago

        That would be about 75% of the fanfiction on AO3. Dark Harry is a tag for a reason, as is Tomarry and Drarry.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Even if JK Rowling was the coolest person out there who was really pro trans and was a surfing dog who wore sunglasses, Harry Potter would still just be shitty anyway.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I submit that if JKR was cool, she would have made the book about HP doing cool shit, which would have been a marked improvement over reality where he just restores the status quo.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        2 years ago

        Harry Potter: The Cool Dude

        He goes to a normal school and brings pizza every day

        • ssjmarx [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Harry Potter and the Dank Nooner

          He pops a wheelie in the parking lot, then rides off to escape campus police.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    2 years ago

    it is fun that r/gamingCircleJerk seems to be able to have a more insightful and empathetic discussion on this than i would actually expect from r/gaming or Capital G G*mers in general

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      As far as :reddit-logo: goes, /r/G!mingCircleJerk is a cool and good place. Mostly.

    • gwysibo [they/them]
      2 years ago

      r/gaming has always been the bottom of the barrel for gaming forums. there's r/games which at least bans memes as top level posts but it's honestly been getting worse over time.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    more than 1,000 transphobes have been banned from the subreddit since their post last week

    :gui-trans: :penguin-dance: :gui-trans: