If I didn't want to get killed by a stegosaurus I would simply not be a cop.
I was gonna be all, "I understood that reference," but I didn't realize that the Gary Larson comic named something that lacked an existing formal identifier and so thagomizer is actually used in academia to some extent (e.g. this 2023 paper). TIL!
(He's looking the other way real quick but he does have a clear shot)
Is this some AI generated thing or an actual "Mars Attacks" styled trading card thing?
I gotta go find these... somebody's gotta have scans on the inter webs somewhere.
You've given me something to do this weekend.
It doesn't look ai generated to me. All the dinosaur back plates are where they should be, the hands we can see look reasonable, there's no eldritch horror of mushed together background pieces the computer hallucinated. I have no idea where this image comes from, but I'm fairly confident it isn't ai
lol I’m old enough to vaguely remember these cards, they’re definitely real.
Mars Attacks and all its ilk go so fucking hard. Capitalist ephemera but depicting troops and cops getting got.