Inverting as many things as possible about Disco Elysium would involve a story about an exceptional ubermensch born into greatness with a vast harem of doting fawning waifus obsessing about his greatness where pretty much everything is possible and all threats are just relatively easy obstacles to overcome with more destiny and more greatness, with an undercurrent of "bad people are bad because they resent the great one's greatness."

... Shit, is the opposite of Disco Elysium Sword Art Online? :pathetic:

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I can and have enjoyed things that had very sus ideology and messages to them, and Civ games are definitely one of those things.

      • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
        1 year ago

        And there are valuable lessons like how to determine the effective ratio of Elvises to Anarchists

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          It's kind of rich how investing in "luxuries" automatically makes people happy when in a more realistic capitalistic simulation it'd make specific people happy and it's very unlikely it'd be general access luxuries for everyone, unless those "luxuries" involved functioning infrastructure, good city planning, and robust public services.

          • notceps [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I've been playing a super old game again, Caesar 3 Augustus, that now has an open source port and I'm honestly impressed how good some of the mechanics are when it comes to city builders. You constantly have to deal with the emperor who you have to bribe and curry favor with all the time otherwise he'll send his legion to capture you and burn down your city.

            On top of that houses 'promote' to higher tiers the more services and goods you provide them but there's two neat twists, one is that below a certain level they are basically just tents that over time grow more and more angry with you which means you need to provide them with a certain amount of minimum of living standards, healthcare, clean water and food. And at a certain level the houses promote from 'worker' status to 'patrician' status which don't give you any workers but let you collect a bit more taxes from them, you need them for 'prestige' or mission reasons but most of the time they are just a drain on your cities economy.

            Oh also crime is a function of how 'angry' people are which is a function of living standards, employment, wages and taxes which is better. Plus you can't just suppress it with more police you need to address their situation.