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  • Ziege_Bock [any]
    2 years ago

    Throne of Blood is an amazing movie! It's actually an adaptation of Macbeth.

    fun facts!

    Climate and weather are massive themes and devices in Kurosawa films. for Throne of Blood he wanted a steady supply of fog. His solution was to demand that rather have smoke machines in a studio, he would have a replica castle built on Mt Fuji, as fog is common at certain elevations.

    Towards the end of the movie Toshiro Mifune's character is threatened by a team of archers. Rather than using film tricks like arrows being sent via wire and sped up in post, he commissioned Japan's Olympic archery team to simply shoot around the actor! This is the reason why the character flails his arms in front of him before moving in a new direction, to telegraph to the archers that his position is changing and not to shoot where he would be going!

    I love Throne of Blood!