Nobody talks about incels any more. It's like they just disappeared. Did we solve it? Was it magic? Or are they just lumped in with the white supremacist terrorists now?

Anyway. 'Member incels?

    • Irockasingranite [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Of course it is the exact kind of community that the more well-adjusted people tend to eventually leave, while the worst of them are stuck in it forever. Thus the concentration of bitter misogynists steadily increases, until they're all that's left.

      • them_fatale [she/her]
        4 years ago

        yeah exactly, if it's a club of 90% people who are normal and maybe a little introverted, but mostly just haven't met the right person, and 10% what we would think of as incels now, of course the 90% will all fuck sometime and become essentially normal, while the 10% just self-radicalizes.

    • gayhobbes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I get that she was being cute, but the term involuntary celibate implies that you are forced to not have sex, which implies you are entitled to sex. I’m not shocked it turned toxic. This is why rhetoric matters so much.