CW: Nazi

There are hundreds of QTs from Nazis talking about how they were the smartest kids ever but the damn (((education system))) hampered them, and anyone who doesn't believe that they're hyper geniuses is simply a seething lib.

You're supposed to get over the "I was a gifted kid" stuff by the time you're 20.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Interesting that their solution is never to make the school teach them at a higher education level or to make schools better funded and managed. Almost like they aren't actually smart. Smart people tend to want to learn. Actual smart can also get frustrated with schools, but more so because schools are underfunded, teachers are underpaid and don't receive adequate training, and schools are made to churn out workers, rather than proclaiming there is nothing that they can be taught.

    Although smart people don't tend to believe outdated race science either so I guess that's pretty self-explanatory

    I had a kid in my class in high school who was actually smart. Do you know what happened? The teacher started giving her university-level work and she got to get credit for higher education at a younger age. She became a pilot.

    She never was like "Man, I'm so smart that I don't need to learn. I should be out of school and being an entrepreneur or some shit."

    90% of these "I'm too smart." people are just small business tyrants that want kids leaving school early so they can get some cheap, easily exploited labor

    • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      yeah i wanted advanced courses that weren't available to me and now i'm a burnout who thinks we should require some general education hours for all adults every year for your entire life.

      • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, honestly I think we try to cram too much education on people in too short a time. Gotta get them in the workforce fast I suppose

        • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          massive structural reforms aside, i actually think we don't educate enough. Things like the western tradition of summer vacation cost a couple student-years in a k-12 scheme from the first and several weeks of every school year getting wasted.

    • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Oh yeah, you hit the nail on the head here.

      I like to think of myself as a smart guy, and my cousin is practically a genius. We grew up in a similar situations: a suburb in the rural ass boonies. The k-12 schooling was terrible, and almost had a "we're incompetent and proud of it" mentality. Superintendent made assloads and our rural school was falling apart. At least some of the teachers were real gems, and I loved to chat with my teachers about this cool thing I learned or I think X connects to Y. As for my cousin, she still regularly visits teachers she likes and as a smart person, she keeps an open mind. She NEVER brags about how she knows everything, and then scoffs at anything that contradicts her worldview as wrong, because she knows everything.

      All in all, it made me feel written off because I wasn't lucky enough to be born in a nice part of a major city. If my cousin and I are intelligent, then both of us are being written off for being "rednecks". Same goes for kids in redlined parts of major cities, some of them can be really intelligent but are being suppressed because of racist school funding policies, which ironically, hurt a lot of white people that it intends to "help".

      • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
        1 year ago

        Oof, as someone who grew up poor, I feel you. People will tell you to stay in your lane and it hurts not having the same support and opportunities afforded to people from wealthy backgrounds/areas. Fuck classism, fuck it hard.

    • culpritus [any]
      1 year ago

      one of my steps baby steps towards marxism was learning about the Prussian school model of education while trying to understand why US public schools were just so terrible at teaching anyone to actually think

      • Farman [any]
        1 year ago

        Not necesarily. I think al ghazali was xomplaining how his students were in it only for the prestige and employmen oportunities and not for the knoledge or religiosity. And it reminded me of engeneering students.

        But i dont remember were he said that.

        • culpritus [any]
          1 year ago

          don't really know what you're saying here, it was just the focus on making people into factory workers via instilling of obedience and compliance with mundane and repetitive tasks that gave me a sense of 'manufacturing consent' via schooling etc

          • Farman [any]
            1 year ago

            I think the repetitive tasks has to do more woth the fact that when prestige is atached to education. Going through the proses of repetitive tasks is meore eficient. So most students will do that. Even if your teacher is a great philosofer and is complaining about it.

            Sure taylorism does not help. But ultimatley its about education as the means of reproducing a calss structure.

            • culpritus [any]
              1 year ago

              ya, I'm pretty sure I found out about it via a libertarian charter school supporter, so I see what you are getting at

              luckily my sense of humanism at the time kept me from doing the 'schooling eugenics turn' that this was likely trying to frame up

    • Changeling [it/its]
      1 year ago

      Although smart people don’t tend to believe outdated race science either so I guess that’s pretty self-explanatory

      Conventionally intelligent people are actually more likely to believe race science because they’re more likely to have fringe beliefs in general. Turns out being good at manipulating logic makes you good at deluding yourself, too.

      I know this wasn’t the point of your post, which I agree with in general. Just a common way for us to slip into the mindset that rationality is a trait rather than a skill which needs to be consciously used.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        1 year ago

        social indoctrination is also a category of 'intelligence', someone who knows all the rules and how to work within them, who acts properly, is 'intelligent' but inside a racist evil society like ours the corollary is they're also racist

    • kristina [she/her]
      1 year ago

      For me I just wanted out of school asap. Anything that would make me graduate a year early is what I did. Felt like a huge torture facility and I wanted OUT