CW: Nazi

There are hundreds of QTs from Nazis talking about how they were the smartest kids ever but the damn (((education system))) hampered them, and anyone who doesn't believe that they're hyper geniuses is simply a seething lib.

You're supposed to get over the "I was a gifted kid" stuff by the time you're 20.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    1 year ago

    "i was smarter than all my teachers" i doubt it my dude, like being able to do your fractions and multiplication is not that impressive, like your teachers could show you some fucked up advanced math thing on their class, but the point of the class is to teach you like they are not teaching you the whole of their knowledge, they are teaching you what you are expected to learn at the grade so when on the next one this knowledge is needed as basis of more complicated stuff, also if you really were gifted they would have allowed to skip stuff wouldn't they? like there is a kid that is got their physics degree at 13 years old, why didn't that happen for mr smart guy here

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      1 year ago

      if you really were gifted they would have allowed to skip stuff wouldn’t they

      that's a genuinely terrible system though. it robs children of their childhood to just rush them through the education system that fast. If they're bored in class let them read university level books by all means but a 13 year old shouldn't be at university

      • redthebaron [he/him]
        1 year ago

        i am not defending putting kids in university it is just that if he was that gifted and didn't wan't to go to highschool they could figure something out, my point being he is not that gifted, i actually agree there is a lot of social learning that you do at school and not being able to do is bad, same thing with home teaching actually, like other than the "people who do it are doing it because they think school is woke now" one of the main things i dislike about it is not learning how to socialize and deal with people who are not your familly

        • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I think schools are natural as a key loci of socialisation for kids it's the place we send them for most of the time they aren't home.

          other activities being available would also be good though

    • Blep [he/him]
      1 year ago

      We werent allowed to skip grades where i was. Every years batch of nerds kinda just sat around bored

      • redthebaron [he/him]
        1 year ago

        it rarely happens, like the kid i mentioned is an exception but like IF YOU ARE SMARTER THAN ALL YOUR TEACHERS i would imagine you could do it right, like i was really good at math, my teachers would praise me constantly and i was bored at class but i am not exceptional i am just good at math, i don't pretend to be a prodigy online like the dummy here

        • Blep [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I mean theres a massive gap between smart enough to skip a grade comfortably and genuinely being smarter than a teacher. For these students theyd gey an independant learning plan stating how the curriculum would be changed to accomodate their abilities. The ieps where copy pasted boilerplate (we compared them) and the changes were either nothing, or extra busy work. We were explicitly prevented from veering into any material from later years