After getting kicked in the teeth by Apple, punched in the gut by Tiktok, and stock falling 60% from all time high, Zucc finally realizes that thousands of directors, senior directors, VPs, senior VPs, presidents, and C-suites don't actually do shit and all the work comes from the lowest levels of employees

Too bad all the Meta coders are wannabe capitalists themselves and look down on other working class people, including even their own

  • Owl [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The incentive structure of middle-management causes them to want to create more layers of management between themselves, so I'm sure there's plenty that can be removed.

    Typically a line manager has 5-12 reports (average 7), and the CEO has a similar number of C-suite or VP positions under them. If every layer had 7 reports, that's 6 layers for a company Facebook's size. But real companies have many more layers of management, because towards the middle of the hierarchy the typical report count becomes, like, 2-3.

    Forcing middle management to keep a more constant number of reports would cut the size of the organization down quite a lot. But these decisions are actually executed by middle management, who do not actually want to do this. Middle managers prefer having as many people under them as possible, as this improves their standing when going up for promotion and salary increases. The people who succeed in entering middle management are people who are motivated by such things, and good at achieving them in this environment.

    You'll find the same pattern in government jobs and military positions too, by the way. It's a natural flaw of tree-shaped hierarchies.

    • FloridaBoi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      At my company some directors only have 2-3 direct reports if they’re closer in the hierarchy to the CFO which is where a lot of bloat seems to be. They’re like courtiers.