it feels weird to be excited about a blockbuster after years of slop. even if they end up not being that good i’m glad big studios are (seemingly) trying to make an actual movies made by actual people again, even if it is capeshit.

as a comic fan though grant morrison’s batman run being inspiration (my favorite comics ever) for their batman, hopeful and optimistic superman, tom king’s supergirl, creature commando cartoon, swamp thing, buddy cop green lantern show, and booster gold all have me very excited

again apologies for the capeshit posting

  • SerLava [he/him]
    2 years ago

    One of the 4 or 5 superhero movies I have seen was the first Wonder Woman and it was clear they wanted to make a totally different movie that got forced into the most generic possible comic book movie template midway through production.

    It's obvious they wanted to examine the industrialization of murder created by the First World War and make the battle scenes actually quite realistic. But then you end up with Wonder Woman and Male Lead Guy iterally circling around back to back punching guys who are running toward them one at a time. Just copy pasted choreography from some other movie fight that had 2 weirdos in costumes instead of 1.

    There was such a setup of contrasting this disciplined yet naive amazonian warrior culture with the blithe indifference of the world war. Early on they established that Male Lead Guy was pretty cowardly and incompetent, and one of Wonder Woman's first experiences of doubt could have been watching him outpace her slaying of German soldiers using an emplaced Maxim gun. But that exact time frame was written over with super-heroes-punch-minions scenes. Dog shit.

    Dog shit.