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  • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
    2 years ago

    what do you think you’d like to study/where do your talents and passions lie,

    no idea never had an idea/ no special talent no passion.

    • Southloop [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Boom, police officer.

      No! In all seriousness, phooey.

      Run some question through your head and let’s sorta dowse ourselves a direction to take here; Do you like helping others or working alone? Are you good at interpreting written material? Are you skilled at math? Do you like problem solving or more rote activities? Can you code/want to code? Like working with your hands? Are a visuospatial learner? Like nature? What kinds of jobs and hobbies have you had? Etc., etc.

      This can be tough and fun, but do it and then get back to us.

      Also, are you disabled or of a historically underrepresented population?

      • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
        2 years ago

        no, yes, more than average not by "sell math ability for a wage" standards. no, i can script kiddie but don't know enough to contribute to actual useful projects and i don't want to become an alcoholic, no, idk, no, ones that make me want to die no hobbies i'd want to do the job form of.

        probably disabled but not in a way that we're advanced enough to do accommodation for or that i can get a government pittance over

        • Southloop [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Well I have some good news before I delve into further ideation!

          You’re obviously very depressed, which if you’re in the US qualifies your for vocational rehabilitation through your state department of labor office. That alone will pay for all your tuition, books, housing and services. You’ll have to reach out and get an assessment through them, however. If you’re outside the US your country should have some version of this akin to those programs, as they’re the last remaining vestige of the New Deal here and they were copied by a lot of other governments.

          • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
            2 years ago

            i'm not actively suicidal and don't have an attempt so i don't score "depressed" enough on the assessments i've been given over the years to get adequate care.

            Haven't tried the department of labor, but they've got a bunch of shit on here about "if you want to work" and "goals" while i'm under duress / don't want things and have never done that neurotypical goals bullshit, so that's not off to a promising start.

            it's been years and i'm still burnt out on intake but maybe i'll forget that pain eventually and look into this. thanks i guess.

            • Southloop [he/him]
              2 years ago

              They can also work with you if you are in crisis and help you back to stability. They can even possibly determine you are unemployable in the absolute worst cases and arrange you onto social security, housing and medical care (trust me, you aren’t this). I can tell you you are perfectly qualified for services. There are people here and everywhere who can and want to help.

            • robespierrot [he/him]
              2 years ago

              Forgive me for jumping in here but assessments suck ass, my advice is to always lie or exaggerate your symptoms/struggles if you have to so you can get whatever score you need to get care. The rule of thumb I use is to fill out the assessment based on my absolute worst possible day that I am being affected by my disability and/or neurodivergence.

              If you need the care and accommodation then you deserve it yanno? if a score is keeping you from getting your needs met then play the game.

              • Southloop [he/him]
                2 years ago

                This is good advice. It’s not cheating or lying if you’re sick or disabled, it’s leveling the playing field.