Southloop [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2020


  • Southloop [he/him]tochapotraphouseHot Wheels & Marxism
    4 months ago

    That’s the spirit! Be ambitious! Everybody's always going on with “Train set! Train set!” Fuck that! I want a functioning miniature spaceport! Mixed civil and military use at that!

  • Southloop [he/him]toaskchapoClassic rock hate thread
    4 months ago

    Haha! You wanna know how bad off I am about this (and probably my whole generation)? As soon as you mentioned “video game” I immediately remembered Revolution X, the Aerosmith video game where you went from place to place shooting fascist super cops while being blasted with Aerosmith music as you save band members and “music and freedom as a whole.” It was at every skate rink and pizza joint. Help I’m drowning!