I ate a decent chunk of mushrooms this morning, haven't done it about 10 years. I don't really enjoy the peak tripping part but the comedown is amazing. Leaves me with a feeling of clarity and optimism that are very unusual for me. I've read a bit about the usefulness of psilocybin for treating depression but wasn't expecting it to go this well. We'll see how it lasts but anyway, highly recommend it!

    • ned_ludd [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Interesting, did you get some lasting benefit from MDMA? I've done it a few times but always in a concert or party setting and drinking a lot at the same time. Can't imagine what it would be like just sitting around your house by yourself or something.

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I kinda want to try a few things including shrooms and maybe lsd, but I have an uncle with moderate schizophrenia and that's left me paranoid about potent shit setting off something permanent in my brain.

    I like growing plants though so shrooms would be a fun project all around.

    • ned_ludd [he/him]
      4 years ago

      No technology is a good call, I was listening to the episode of Well There's Your Problem about V22 Osprey crashes when I was waiting for it to kick in, and that got unpleasant pretty quickly lol

  • ChairmanAtreides [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Gonna be doing it for the first time pretty soon, just gotta find a place in nature to hang out n hope the ash drifting down isnt too thick :)

    4 years ago

    I’d love to point out the virtues of mescaline, Huxley’s drug. The Doors of Perception.

    A dialectical molecule! Half MDMA, half DMT!

    Mescaline is considered to be one of the most gentle, insightful, and euphoric psychedelics, known for its greater emphasis on bodily and tactile sensations (sometimes compared to MDMA) than tryptamine psychedelics like psilocybin or DMT, which tend to have a more dynamic/frenetic headspace and visual geometry. It is considered to be one of the best agents for psychedelic therapy due to its gentle, organic nature. Synthetic mescaline is highly sought after and is typically produced in limited batches for connoisseurs, owing to its low potency and relatively high production cost.


    it’s a very lucid high. It’s extremely pleasant and colourful. You see love in colour.

    Mescaline used to be the standard rating system for psychedelics, until naturally, the CIA flooded the world with LSD.

    • ned_ludd [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Pretty hard to get tho right? Is it on the dark web or something?

      • 4_AOC_DMT [any]
        4 years ago

        Where do you live? There are quite a few cacti that produce it. edit to add: obviously don't ID yourself; it was a rhetorical question edit again because I can't type