• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    1 month ago

    The article is super-friendly to business interests. The final paragraph is supposed to be hopeful but it gave me a knot in my stomach. Politicians on every level from Biden, federal, state, and local will do what they always do - mix politics into science. And when you mix the two - you get 100% politics.

    Despite the stumbles early in the response, Poulsen says, there’s still time to put an end to the dairy outbreak before it becomes a bigger issue for the industry as a whole or for the general population. “We have the best veterinarians and public health scientists in the world,” he says. “We can do it. We just need the funding and the political will.”

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    Who could have foreseen there being consequences for feeding chicken shit to cows and packing them as close together as possible??

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    1 month ago

    porky-happy "Well, we made paltry gains to our profit margin by knowingly playing Russian roulette with bird shit during a known outbreak so obviously we couldn't not. And really, it was just better for morale for everyone to pretend there wasn't a bullet in any of the chambers"

    Anyone taking wagers that they did some of that famous capitalist innovation and were feeding birds that had been culled for flu exposure to the cows?

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      Anyone taking wagers that they did some of that famous capitalist innovation and were feeding birds that had been culled for flu exposure to the cows?

      I can imagine a high level person at the DOJ giving a press conference "The EvilFactoryFarming division of EvilCorp had agreed to pay a fine of $10 million without admitting wrong doing. This is a significant monetary judgment in what the media calls the "sick culled birds recycling project". We believe it will cause companies to think twice before they..."

      What the DOJ neglects to mention is that the "sick culled birds recycling project" was an in-house term because - in a shocker - everybody at EvilCorp is gleefully evil. The execs lampoon the DOJ judgment as a "transaction cost" or if they are being especially playful a "rounding error".