I just read that over 160.000 Ukranian men have died in the war and over 400.000 have been wounded, the rest of the population is scattered around Europe, and the population still living in the country will have to deal with the destruction of builidings and civilian infrastructure. Ukraine was already in debt before the war and now It's gonna be a way worse problem.

Even if Ukraine manages to get a "victory" over Russia, how is it gonna rebuild the country without money and without people, because I honestly don't think that many Ukranian refugees will come back home after the war.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Yeah, I don't buy the Polish annexation story either. The main ideological justification for western involvement in the war has been the sanctity of Ukrainian sovereignty all along. Suddenly dissolving the Ukraine would not make sense. And besides that you don't need to rule an area formally to exploit it or put military bases there, in fact having a local puppet government makes it easier to get plausible deniability for the shit you're doing.