• Wakmrow [he/him]
      1 month ago

      To sabotage the convention, Hoffman and Rubin announced that they were sending "super-hot" hippie girls to seduce the delegates and give them LSD; that they were going to put LSD into the water supply of the International Amphitheatre; and were sending well-endowed hippie "studs" to seduce the wives and daughters of the delegates.

      Omg bring back the yippies lmao

      Lol the next paragraph is just as good

      In a typical press release, Hoffman and Rubin stated about their plans in Chicago: "We are dirty, smelly, grimy and foul...we will piss and shit and fuck in public...we will be constantly stoned or tripping on every drug known to man".

      These people rocked lol:

      Just before the convention started, Hoffman and Rubin showed up at the Civic Center Plaza to free the pig named Pigasus whom they had nominated as the Democratic candidate, leading the police to seize Pigasus while arresting Rubin and five others. The Pigasus incident was captured live on television.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    1 month ago

    There are a lot of similarities between Joe Biden and JFK. I wish there would be more.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        1 month ago

        He could make an attempt at dissolving the CIA, move towards opening up relations to Cuba, make progress towards civil rights, or all of JFK's other achievements as a good progressive president soviet-playful

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      Joe Biden should show support to the librarians standing up to republican censorship by visiting he book repository

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    1 month ago

    When I asked him what his vision of a successful Democratic convention looked like, Johnson repeated the same formulation — “safe, vibrant and energetic” — before saying he wanted young people to “see what democracy really looks like.”

    At no point did he mention Joe Biden or the importance of the convention in helping the president’s reelection.

    It was an eye-opening exchange. And it made clear why so many Democrats, in Chicago and beyond, respond to questions about Johnson with a sigh and hope that he’ll recognize the weight of this moment, both for his career, the city and the country.

    The shear amount of contempt that these ghouls have for the public is palpable. So the mayor should care more about the decrepit corpse that is currently helping Israel's genocide of Palestinians than the people who are protesting to bring an end to it?

    Fuck off with this nonsense. "Democracy" is fine and dandy until it becomes an inconvience for the establishment.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      [The dems] hope that he’ll recognize the weight of this moment.

      The dems' insane levels of stupidity and wishful thinking never fail to amaze me. They are recreating "Today, Trump became presidential..." all over again. I think it's telling that libs only use "When someone shows who are they are - believe them" for one person. Trump.

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    1 month ago

    NGL the idea of Biden going all old man tech ignorant trying to log into Teams to do his acceptance speech is fucking hilarious

  • EstraDoll [she/her]
    1 month ago

    where's the one guy who managed to put blender porn on for the Italian senate? i got a job for them

  • musicpostingonly [he/him, any]
    1 month ago

    Apparently the revolution will be streamed and televised after all.

    libs gonna lib, water is wet, hell is hot, etc etc.