I'd just laugh at this fucking dork if he wasn't a perpetrator and promoter of sexual violence and slavery. Real monsters exist, and he is one of them.

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      2 years ago

      lol, it's more like Andrew Tate's mere ideas do not have the ability to change the world. And it's true, if the young men did not have the material conditions they do that makes them receptive to a fuckhead like Tate, he'd be just some asshole somewhere on the internet no one cares about - and he probably wouldn't exist as the trafficker, abuser, and moronic asshole he is without the material conditions of the 90s and 00s US shaping him. He needs the internet manosphere and redpill culture and rape culture and sexist/homophobic etc US to become who he is and feed into that culture. And all of those exist for material reasons - misogyny, for example, because capitalism needs domestic/reproductive labor to be done for free or cheaply as possible. And his followers needed to be brought up in the 00s and mostly 10s to be receptive, the gen z hopelessness of growing up knowing there is no future for America or the world due to climate change or infinite polycrises with no solution absent revolution and especially when they all got shunted online because of covid for a hot minute, I don't think he was super popular until after 2020.