• Tachanka [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      There has been a failure of the American "left" to occupy this space first. the democratic party (including Bernie and "The Squad" ) is unanimous in their support of NATO's imperialist proxy war, fails to understand (or deliberately ignores) any history before february 2022, and AOC even dismissed anti-war people at her own town hall meeting as "Larouchites".

      Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad are both correct about this conflict, but there isn't any activism to rally around their perspective. So the contrarian right who think Putin is based trad homophobe christian leader and supports Russia to own the libs (rather than being sincerely against NATO) have taken to shitting up the discourse and occupying the space that should be occupied by the anti-war left. The crisis of unipolar US-led globalization have broken the brains of the American "left."

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        2 years ago

        There isn't an American left in mainstream politics. If you mean the american left parties, then they have all been uniformly anti war, but thet are tiny and no one listens to them; even the shit CPUSA national org has had a strong anti nato anti ukraine war line. The only time you see Americans in general organize in significant numbers for an anti war position is when it actively involves American citizens fighting and dying. Talking about the "American left" as a coherent entity is like talking about fucking unicorns.

        • Huitzilopochtli [they/them]
          2 years ago

          There was so much hope in the old sub as people like AOC and Sanders were trying to win. They hadn't seen it before. Every "left" politician in the US bends the knee to the point of giving up on even the milquetoast slightly-left things they said when they were new.

          • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I should have known better lol. I knew all about George Bush stealing the election, COINTELPRO and all that shit. But man, when Bernie starting pulling real numbers and getting results right out of the gate (which would have carried any other candidate to victory off pure media attention alone) I could feel the hopium. Normal people I knew in real life were talking about nonprofit healthcare and shit because every candidate was forced to ape Bernie's position on it.

          • CrimsonSage [any]
            2 years ago

            I think if sanders had won we might have seen something. Like I don't think the world would have shifted overnight, but that kind if success for a left wing movement might have given some coherence to the real energy that was there and the desperate desire for change that everyone still feels. Unfortunately getting owned by the dems really just scattered anything that might have been. I don't think an electoral strategy is possible anymore, it is too discredited by sanders loss; assuming electoralism was ever really viable to begin with, a sentiment I am partial to thinking it wasn't really.

          • CrimsonSage [any]
            2 years ago

            Fair enough, and my apologies for calling you out. I guess I am just tired of endless pessimism and your post was unlucky enough to trigger me.

      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        :this: yeah, that's the problem when the US "lefts" most prominent public figures are social fascists with no understanding of internationalism let alone understanding imperialism

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Using the fucking term "Larouchites" makes me realize how AOC has to know by now how compromised she is and beholden to the power structures the democratic party has created to fucking smother anything tangentially left.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Exactly. The American left/radical liberals did some vote triangulation politics nonsense to support the war because they don't want to lose the support of liberals and the democratic party, who they got into bed with. They put out one very mild anti war statement (that letter from the squad) to test the waters, saw the push back from liberals and immediately withdrew their statement.

        Teaming up with democrats will cause the death of social progressive and more left wing views. Once democrats can't hold minorities hostage by holding their human rights over their heads, they will lose their votes too, little by little. This gives the "third way" (we all know what that is) a perfect opportunity to strike.

        This is what I can piece together as a non American.

      • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
        2 years ago

        have taken to shitting up the discourse and occupying the space that should be occupied by the anti-war left

        Ok but isn't it a good thing that someone is occupying the space.

        • Tachanka [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          someone is occupying the space.

          no, because as I said, the right's """anti-war""" position is more out of a contrarian admiration of Putin and there is no sincere anti-imperialism among the right.

          wall of text if you care about this

          They support Putin against "d3generate globohomo judeobolshevism" and other such nonsense spectres they've conjured up in their own heads. If you go to the right spaces on the internet (corners of 4chan for instance) you can see this in action, but you can also see it on Tucker Carlson. The American, Canadian, British and European right have taken to thinking of their own governments and international institutions as Communist conspiracies (despite enormous evidence to the contrary). They do not oppose the actual existing privileges of unipolar western hegemony, they just hate it when they see a NATO official wave a rainbow flag and they support Putin who they see as a based anticommunist Christian crusader fighting Satanism or something. They have an incoherent narrative. Meanwhile, "respectable liberals" who support these imperialist institutions have to convince their voters that imperialism is actually progressive, hence the bad-faith attempt to pretend their proxy war against Russia is about protecting progressive European values. Hence the pinkwashing of imperialism, the attempt to falsely gain support for imperialism by pretending these imperialist institutions are progressive, or attempting to support feminism/LGBT. This strategy dates to the 19th century, when British imperialism in Afghanistan and French imperialism in Africa were framed as attempts to liberate women from backwards cultures, and so on. There is a yin-yanging between the bourgeois liberals and conservatives in the imperial core, for lack of a better term. the conservative bourgeoisie will falsely appear progressive for being "anti-war" for contrarian and absurd reasons. The liberals bourgeoisie will support imperialism while appearing to support bringing "human rights" to the "backwards east" with "lethal aid."

          The real cause of this war is complicated. Russia was a source of cheap energy for Europe. Nordstream Pipeline brought natural gas to Germany in a cheap, predictable way without fluctuating price points. The Germans then sold it to other Europeans. However America wanted to sell Europe liquid natural gas. Problem is, it's expensive, has to be shipped by boat, and fluctuates in price. Europe didn't actually want that shit. So they sought out Russian energy because it was cheaper. Meanwhile Ukraine was about to tighten its relationship with Russia in 2014. President Yanukovych was faced with a choice between a $17 billion high interest IMF loan that came with strings attached (anti-labor measures, austerity, deregulation, imperialist looting of natural resources, the usual), or a Russian aid package that was $15 billion, lower interest, and came with cheap energy deals. He chose the Russian aid package. So America couped him, brought Poroshenko (president) and Yatsenyuk (prime minister) to power. Poroshenko helped integrate nazi gangs into the Ukrainian military, who were receiving training and weapons from America through the CIA front National Endowment for Democracy. Meanwhile Yatsenyuk canceled the Russian aid deal and took the IMF loan, plunging ukraine into poverty, putting Ukrainian farm land into the hands of foreign (US-allied) companies, etc. The communist party of Ukraine was banned in 2015 for being "Russian influenced." The Russian language was no longer to be taught in public schools despite a significant population in the Southeastern half the country speaking it as a first language, and so on. Crimea held a referendum to become part of Russia. It passed. Russia annexed Crimea. Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine started their own separatist movements and the government began a civil war against Donetsk and Luhansk that saw the Odessa massacre in a trade union hall , as well as the shelling of Donetsk with artillery. So only after 8 years of civil war did Russia finally invade Ukraine when the threat of Ukraine joining NATO (NATO membership usually involves US stationing bases/weapons in Ukraine, close to Moscow) reached a fever pitch. The main cause of the war is US financial interference in Ukraine, and NATO expansion. Both NATO and Russia are attempting to have influence in Ukraine, but the escalation arguably began with the coup in 2014. I don't know much about the orange revolution in 2004, but some have pointed to that as also a US-backed color revolution. And to an extent, the privatization of the Russian economy by Yeltsin was also US-backed, since the USA poured billions into Yeltsin's election campaign, and supported his shelling of the Russian parliament. So the aggression on NATO's part goes back decades.

          • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Yes every part of how they got to their position is backwards and stupid but as Putin isn't actually doing the war to repress foreign gay rights I'm not going to take that seriously

            if they accidentally harm American imperial interests out of misguided bigotry I am still going to take the damage to imperial interests as a win

            • Tachanka [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              if they accidentally harm American imperial interests out of misguided bigotry

              not what is happening. For them to harm American imperial interests, they would have to actually be opposed to them in a non-symbolic way. But their opposition is purely symbolic.

              • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
                2 years ago

                they are opposed to the war in Ukraine. Blocking money to the Ukraine war isn't symbolic it's real

                • Tachanka [comrade/them]
                  2 years ago

                  ah, but that's the sleight of hand. They'd rather be in a proxy war with China over Taiwan instead! Also another reason their opposition is purely symbolic is that it's a partisan opposition rather than a political opposition. If Ron DeSantis or Dan Crenshaw got elected tomorrow and continued escalating, I don't think they wouldn't care anymore.

                  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    Yeah but China isn't going to invade Taiwan and Taiwan is more resistant to US demands than Ukraine. For example Taiwan refused to toe the US policy line over Tibet

          • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Ron Paul whatever you may think of him is not a fascist. Fascism proposes that war and the profits from it are the primary engine of technological progress and modernisation. A fascist would not be anti-war. The fascists like the proud boys went and fought in Ukraine

            • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              Eh, libertarians in the US are just a different kind of fascist as far as im concerned. They're pro-apartheid because of the fig leaf of "property rights" but really theyre just rascists, "anti-war" but only because theyre isolationist who don't understand where the treats come from. The reason they don't support empire is because they think treats materialize from atlas shrugged style industrialists and not from imperial exploitation of the global south. Ron Paul has always been full of shit and a racist clown.

              • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
                2 years ago

                The US empire isn't fascist either it is liberal. Liberalism includes the violent economic exploitation of the global south for imperial benefit a notable example of such a liberal state would be the British empire.

                fascism is a specific ideological framework which is incompatible with libertarianism. Both of them are bad but not equally so and it's incorrect to lump them in together

                • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                  2 years ago

                  I don't get pedantic when it comes to fash. Its fash all the way down. Liberals are just fash who don't know it yet, but will be in a crisis of capital. Social democracy is the left wing of fascism etc.

                  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    that's not not being pedantic it's just being wrong. Fascists love to be lumped in as just another part of the liberal machine

                    liberals don't magically turn into fascists when capital hits a crisis. When there is a threat of Communism capital will seek safety from violent fascists these will not be the exact same people

                    calling liberals fascist is barely more politically literate than calling the security guard at the mall fascist for pissing you off

    • Harajukum [any]
      2 years ago

      :seen-this-one: it's very cursed, indeed.