Nobody is willing to even entertain the idea that West isn't Best. Suggesting that whitey shouldn't rule the world is received as if you'd advocated cannibalism, and you will be condescended to and treated like an ignorant child even as they make it clear they know much less than you do about the subject at hand, if not outright ejected from the community. It's not just bots and manufacturing consent, either - it happens to me in real life just as easily as it happens online.
Anyone who isn't unconditionally anti-NATO and anti-American hegemony is a white supremacist. No exceptions.
Love this place, though. I think I'd go crazy if it wasn't for you guys. Glad I have somewhere to get this off my chest :soviet-heart:
At this point I don't even bother talking about that stuff with anybody. I've gotten a few glares when I snicker at their dumbass comments but when they ask me to elaborate I just say "oh it's nothing, man"
yeah I have to hide my power level quite a lot
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I'm a more subtle commie around people
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I have two modes raving commie and "are you absolutely sure that's awfully wise" I find the latter works better. The former I only use to rant
Yeah this is me most of the time (outside of certain client-work situations). Depending on my audience I sometimes deploy the self-deprecating Well I'm one of these crazy communists so I believe [incredibly simple and compassionate idea it's hard to disagree with]. That's often done well to de-spookify my tendencies from friendly acquaintances.
I don't know. Even when I hear the rare, based comment, I just don't even say anything because talking about politics with people face-to-face just seems unnatural to me, regardless of the content
you misunderstand me I frequently express my political views I just don't do so fully. Only enough to make my point
Mao would call you a liberal for it (it's okay he'd call me one too, I want people to like me).
Mao was writing conduct guidelines for members of a Marxist political party, though. If I wasn’t the only communist for miles I’d probably be more open to speaking my mind, too.
I am not a member of a communist party that runs the government
That's where I am unless people directly ask me my opinions, then I don't hide it. I call myself a communist when asked and it seems to work so far because other people either think I'm joking or they have no idea what a communist is.
I don't hop into things anymore though, it just makes pointless arguments happen and most people don't feel strongly enough to care anyway. I just nod and go "Yeah." Like the other day a coworker asked me why I don't move to Canada if I like socialism, then I did joke saying Canada's too communist for me. He nodded and said "Yeah, they're even worse than communists there. They're like Democrats."
that's around the level most people are at
Correct, but probably not for the reasons he thinks.
This is how I generally feel too. I have a painfully lib co-worker, a chud co-worker, and a less painfully lib co-worker whose heart is in the right place. The third one and I often see eye to eye, to the point I've sometimes wondered if he's secretly more left than he lets on (but I think I'm coping).
The first one though, my god, comes out with the dumbest politically illiterate "taken from Reddit front page" takes and is also ridiculously smug about it. It does wind me up a bit sometimes but mostly I just see him as a loud idiot. I say enough to offer a counter to his talking points, but I'm also very aware of the environment in my lib/conservative workplace.
The reflexive eye roll always gives me away.