Also shout out to Susanna Clark's Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norell which fits entire multi-page short stories into it's footnotes.
Or, go the House of Leaves route and have footnotes that are pages and pages long.
Go Hemingway and do the same way but with the word "and" and just see how many independent clauses you can stuff into one sentence and still get away with it
My 4th grade teacher called me out on this, but it's a habit I've never been able to break.
Back in fourth grade I'd shove multiple paragraphs into a nested parenthetical.
I like how English just includes a "fuck you" punctuation but no one uses it.
I've considered just writing an entire paper in one sentence just to mess with my English teacher.
I really really resonate with this! My writing has so many run on sentences and 'ands' for the most part.
Listen, this shit was standard practice in 1800s novels, so you're just being classy